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disposal of foxes and other qurrey once culled

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hi all i am asking this beascuse i am comming across dead foxes on a regular basis on the land i shoot obvousley some one is just dumping them in ditches or under hedges on occasions they are just laying wehe they drop this is a bit worring as the public use the land at times on foot paths and it is setting a bad example for all of us that hunt shoot.


can eny one tell me how they dispose of foxes or eny other qurrey come to that ie burying or incenorating hope fulley we can educate the individuls not just where i shoot but everywhere as i am sure this must happen in a lot of other places not just foxes i have herd of pigeons and rabbits just being left on show for all to see


mabye someone who has the time and knowhow to write an artical and put it on thl for everyone to read as i am sure it would help :thumbs:


what are youre thoughts

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I thought chineese restraunts would buy as meny fox carcasses as you could get

Its good that there is no market for fox skins, there are enough rifle men about already shooting foxes for sport and calling it pest control without skins being worth anything. Mind you if winter ski

great topic mate! look forward to seeing the answers. I spoke to a bloke once who said after his dogs have a fox he just puts it on the road and drives over it so it looks like its been hit by a passing car! what a pratt!!

road kill :11:

i think it is a good idea to know what to do with the kill as alot of people dont think of it.

i just wish i had the knollage on this subject then i would write somthing onit but i dont have much of a head for writing.


it just gives the antis more ammo against us

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great topic mate! look forward to seeing the answers. I spoke to a bloke once who said after his dogs have a fox he just puts it on the road and drives over it so it looks like its been hit by a passing car! what a pratt!!

road kill :11:

i think it is a good idea to know what to do with the kill as alot of people dont think of it.

i just wish i had the knollage on this subject then i would write somthing onit but i dont have much of a head for writing.


it just gives the antis more ammo against us

too right it does. Thing is, foxes will clear up anything else that happens to get left but they aren't going to eat thier own. personally, I burn them.

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They should be buried or incinerated but there are times when you really don't wanna be taking a dead fox round with you. Never leave them to be seen though. A lot of the rifle boys leave them where they drop.

Anyone else got a keeper by them who still hangs them up for all to see?

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If i am doing pest controll on a shoot, i leave them for the keepers to put in a midden or dispose of.

Same as on farms, i will leae them for them to dispose of.


If i am out with the dogs, i will make the effort to bury them, especially if they are anywhere near public access.


Not only does it paint a bad image to the public, it is also a reason a landowner may be put off you.

Disposing of quarry properly also shows a degree of respect imo that cant be gained from throwing it in a ditch.


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"Anyone else got a keeper by them who still hangs them up for all to see?"


I do a couple of farms who specifically ask for this, so he can pick them up when doing his rounds. He will then dispose of them.

Not my preferred method, but if he wants me to do it - i do.


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As long as they are out of sight then thats good enough, maybe 30 yards dragged into the nearest wood. Anybody that finds that shouldn't be there!!!

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"Anyone else got a keeper by them who still hangs them up for all to see?"


I do a couple of farms who specifically ask for this, so he can pick them up when doing his rounds. He will then dispose of them.

Not my preferred method, but if he wants me to do it - i do.


one of the farms i shoot has a game shoot and the keeper there asks for eny foxes that are dispached to be taken to his house so he can keep tabs on the numbers that have been found then he disposes of then him self if there is eny thing we dont want he also has that

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hi all i am asking this beascuse i am comming across dead foxes on a regular basis on the land i shoot obvousley some one is just dumping them in ditches or under hedges on occasions they are just laying wehe they drop this is a bit worring as the public use the land at times on foot paths and it is setting a bad example for all of us that hunt shoot.


can eny one tell me how they dispose of foxes or eny other qurrey come to that ie burying or incenorating hope fulley we can educate the individuls not just where i shoot but everywhere as i am sure this must happen in a lot of other places not just foxes i have herd of pigeons and rabbits just being left on show for all to see


mabye someone who has the time and knowhow to write an artical and put it on thl for everyone to read as i am sure it would help :thumbs:


what are youre thoughts

what do you with yours ??????????????????

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hi all i am asking this beascuse i am comming across dead foxes on a regular basis on the land i shoot obvousley some one is just dumping them in ditches or under hedges on occasions they are just laying wehe they drop this is a bit worring as the public use the land at times on foot paths and it is setting a bad example for all of us that hunt shoot.


can eny one tell me how they dispose of foxes or eny other qurrey come to that ie burying or incenorating hope fulley we can educate the individuls not just where i shoot but everywhere as i am sure this must happen in a lot of other places not just foxes i have herd of pigeons and rabbits just being left on show for all to see


mabye someone who has the time and knowhow to write an artical and put it on thl for everyone to read as i am sure it would help :thumbs:


what are youre thoughts

what do you with yours ??????????????????

i dont shoot foxes but i shoot alot of rabbit pegion and corvoids and eat as much of what i can a few go to freinds and family as for the things i cant eat they go to a keeper and he shifts it or incenorates it some may think it is a waste but its pest controll and when shooting hundreds of rabits and pigeons a year some have to be desposed of

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Im sure this was asked a few weeks back, and had around 3 pages of people who just left them where they lay, I suppose it maybe to do with wether its sport or work/pest control, as pest control, anything shot/trapped/poisoned is removed, if its shot pigeon/rabbit/squirrel etc it would go in my freezer, for other singularly shot animals then a normal bin, multiple animals or foxes would either be buried or incinarated ( all poisoned animals incinarated)


if a landowner wanted proof then yes, either drop off at their request, or take a picture, but I'd never leave anything, that the general public might find offensive, it would only give us a bad name, and the sport

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