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My Ferret Shed

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Nice setup mate, do you let the ferret have access to the shed whenever it wants or do you just let it have access to it during the day then put him in the hutch at night? I would leave the hutch door open all the time and let him have free run of the space when he wants then he could just go into the hutch to sleep. thumbs.gif

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Id get rid of any non ferret obstacules, then fit a wood panel across the lower half of door, inside shed, at a height you can step over, woodchip the floor and use it as a ferret court, keeping the cage/s for any ferts that need seperating

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Hi mate thanks for your reply, i dont understand what you mean by putting a wood panel across the lower half of the door hmm.gif . could you explain more please?






stops them getting out when you open door to go in shedthumbs.gif looks like you have it done alreadythumbs.gif

Edited by jf1970
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