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well , ive put stella in for the molt now . she has had a hard season , she lost two talons and a tail feather and i cant take her out local anymore as she flew at a blokes yorkshire terrier last time i did , she is bad with small dogs . so shes in molt now getting fed up , looking forward to next season big_boss.gif




Edited by mickmck
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well , ive put stella in for the molt now . she has had a hard season , she lost two talons and a tail feather and i cant take her out local anymore as she flew at a blokes yorkshire terrier last time i did , she is bad with small dogs . so shes in molt now getting fed up , looking forward to next season big_boss.gif


Look like you've had some good sport their Mick!! Top bombing Pal thumbs.gif.....


I was out with a lad in the earley 90's with a female Harris flying on a Rabbit infested bit of land, the problem was their was a Public footpath along the Boundary with a oldish guy and woman walking a Labrador, the Harris left the tree and soared across to a tree above where they was walking and Bang!! Nailed it by the head, All I could hear was the dog yelp and the bloke shouting "Its a f*****g Eagle! Its a f*****g Eagle", thankfully the bird just cut the Labrador over the second time and came back! at that time tears was running down my face pissing myself but looking back it could have been a bit nasty if it got his dog in the eye. It was somthing I have never heard of before but since then I have heard of HH's attacking dogs....



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well , ive put stella in for the molt now . she has had a hard season , she lost two talons and a tail feather and i cant take her out local anymore as she flew at a blokes yorkshire terrier last time i did , she is bad with small dogs . so shes in molt now getting fed up , looking forward to next season big_boss.gif


Look like you've had some good sport their Mick!! Top bombing Pal thumbs.gif.....


I was out with a lad in the earley 90's with a female Harris flying on a Rabbit infested bit of land, the problem was their was a Public footpath along the Boundary with a oldish guy and woman walking a Labrador, the Harris left the tree and soared across to a tree above where they was walking and Bang!! Nailed it by the head, All I could hear was the dog yelp and the bloke shouting "Its a f*****g Eagle! Its a f*****g Eagle", thankfully the bird just cut the Labrador over the second time and came back! at that time tears was running down my face pissing myself but looking back it could have been a bit nasty if it got his dog in the eye. It was somthing I have never heard of before but since then I have heard of HH's attacking dogs....




its a pain in the arse mate , the lad i got her off is a mate of mine and when he had her she had hold of a border terrier , she is a awsome hunter , you just gotta be carefull where you take her , she had a good season anyway clapper.gif

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have you had any hares mick this season it sound like a keen bird you said it had hit em in lam p but not kept hold last time we spoke just wanderin like



she has had hold of a few day time hares but struggles to keep hold of them , she flys at 2lb 3 oz and i would have thought she would manage at that weight , but needless to say she will be bang at it next season so ill keep you up to date cheers mick

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  • 2 months later...

Hi mate long time no see!I met you on the falconers forum at xmas. Your bird is coming on well. Fair play. thumbs.gif



hello mate , not been on falconers for a while , not much doing when the birds in molt , cant do owt with the dogs . me bird should be in good shape for next season , i cant wait . both tallons have grown back ok , gonna do a lot of lampin with her this year . good to hear from you . cheers mickvictory.gif

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  • 4 months later...

aup mate just wondering if shes finished her molt yet?

my both of my fhh's ant keen on dogs i think its hard too come by a harris that is perfect with every dog, my mates last years fhh nailed his border terrier straight in the head hind talon in the eye....ouch!


yes mate she just finished her molt , ive had her comining to the fist for chicks for the last couple of days . ill be taking her out on the line now , i dont think it will be long before shes out . she knows the crack now !! she is 5 year old . i cant wait :victory:

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aup mate just wondering if shes finished her molt yet?

my both of my fhh's ant keen on dogs i think its hard too come by a harris that is perfect with every dog, my mates last years fhh nailed his border terrier straight in the head hind talon in the eye....ouch!


yes mate she just finished her molt , ive had her comining to the fist for chicks for the last couple of days . ill be taking her out on the line now , i dont think it will be long before shes out . she knows the crack now !! she is 5 year old . i cant wait :victory:



top stuff mate, keep us informed atb

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