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labrador lurchers

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is she a first cross?seems a little odd they not used in lurcher breedin more often i think.how do you rate her against other types you've kept?dave harcombe said he saw one years ago was mustard on foxes,all individuals though ain't they?

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labs are quite a heavy dog so probably not the best first cross for most people even though they are willing workers with brilliant noses, a few lads are running gsp and gwp lurchers these days they seem to be an excellent x

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there are pics of the dam and sire in my gallery there was a bit of alistation in the bitch as well the dog got over the fence to my bitch when she was in heat an i was left with 7 bloody pups but i sold them for 50 euro each an they were gone within a week i know one of the pups is killing foxs and i hope mine will tackle one shes marking burrows an chasein them if they bolt but she comes off

them at the last second im looking about for a working bullx which should bring her on to killing them

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I had one back in the early 70s, a second x,26" really good dog, I only used him for rabbit, and Hare,and he could take the cord of the Shackle net, across to the other side of the river, to my mate on the opposite, side, his feet were fantastic, just like the Lab, great nose,

and carry right to hand, pure black in colour, he was bred up in Auckinleck, by mr, Jack Stewart, I would have one tomorrow, if I could get the same dog again, and very intelligent, A VERY POWERFUL DOG,

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The most intellegent dog ive ever seen was a lab x whippet,he belonged to a mate and was an outstanding worker,although obviously limited on the running ability a little,he caught just about everything possible but more by brains than speed,he had an exellent nose,brilliant retreiver,worked well with the gun and did tackle fox on the odd occasion.

I would have one tommorrow if i knew it would turn out like him.

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Kept a bitch and a dog on out of an accident mating years ago.These were the only two that resembled a lurcher-the rest looked like labs.


Turned out to be top mooching dogs.They worked with ferrets,never gave a false mark,bushed like ive never seen.Very good on rabbits and feather,most of the game was taken out of the seat or in brambles and sometimes off water with the catty.


The dog greatest talent was to find mallards nests - had many a duck egg on me breakfast after a walk around.


The only draw back -a bit of speed would have been nice but obviously not essential. :thumbs:

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Used to know a bloke in Sheffield who had two whippet/lab half crosses (litter sisters), one threw to a stocky whippet, the other one won a whippet class at a local show many years ago. He said they were great rabbiting dogs, he mainly did bushing and ferreting. Both were sandy in colour.


I always remember an article in Shooting News some years back. It was about a whippet lab first cross, a little black bitch. The bloke couldn't praise it enough as a mouching one for the pot type of dog taking both rabbit and pheasant, it was really soft mouthed as well.


I often wonder why there aren't more gundog lurchers about, i like to see my dogs working their noses and finding there quarry and i bet a gundog lurcher would be ace at this.

Edited by wuyang
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Used to know a bloke in Sheffield who had two whippet/lab half crosses (litter sisters), one threw to a stocky whippet, the other one won a whippet class at a local show many years ago. He said they were great rabbiting dogs, he mainly did bushing and ferreting. Both were sandy in colour.


I always remember an article in Shooting News some years back. It was about a whippet lab first cross, a little black bitch. The bloke couldn't praise it enough as a mouching one for the pot type of dog taking both rabbit and pheasant, it was really soft mouthed as well.


I often wonder why there aren't more gundog lurchers about, i like to see my dogs working their noses and finding there quarry and i bet a gundog lurcher would be ace at this.

Did they call him pete he lived at blackburn nr wincobank.

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