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more people at it now than ever, also alot more messers who breed cpap to crap, but the real true terrier lads i think have better terriers now than of old, because of the locator, we can work the dogs now where we cou.dnt work them yrs ago, thats just my opinion

Digging is easy now collar on dog in dig him out any fool can do it.Years ago you had to know what you were at two or three hour wonder dogs were no good.
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i can say im the owner of some lakelands mate yes they can be hard at times but after a few weeks they have a grat jacket on them and you wouldnt think they had seen any work at all.   here they ar

Worker to worker is not enough to perpetrate what i look for in a working terrier .To breed from a dog just because it stays is not enough to keep things right long term .Im talking about the breeding

i agree in a way with you, but not all digs are like that mate i have had dogs in earths for near on 2 days and thats with collors on, but this earth had never been worked before and i wouldnt work it again as it cost my terriers life, but i feel the true terrier lads have better dogs now than of old

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Years ago ,trust me nobody put a single dog in places you would today .Earths were trenched to find a dog in a deepish place and sometimes ruined.Its very nice to fantasise and reminise about the good old days but lets face it, today with the collars we have now ,one dog ,one hole is the hoped for result however deep .Yes the collar does allow the use of mute dogs but all mute dogs ive come across are mute for a reason ,a mouthful of charlie.

Edited by foxdropper
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Years ago ,trust me nobody put a single dog in places you would today .Earths were trenched to find a dog in a deepish place and sometimes ruined.Its very nice to fantasise and reminise about the good old days but lets face it, today with the collars we have now ,one dog ,one hole is the hoped for result however deep .Yes the collar does allow the use of mute dogs but all mute dogs ive come across are mute for a reason ,a mouthful of charlie.


what a load of bollocks. mute dogs where nigh on useless. and rarely lasted long. and the only reason they are tolerated today is the fact that they can be found fast and then got to before they expire. and thinking back to when terrier work was an art form is not fantasizing its remembering the good times had with good company and good dogs. and when i was younger it was the same as today one dog in then locate it and dig it out. the only difference i see is it was harder to find the terrier so a little more was needed from man and dog.and a good voice being one of the main requirements. it wasnt all brute force and ignorance :angry:

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Guest busterdog

Another sense of humour failure :rolleyes:.

I was given a dvd collection the other day by my huntsman and its got a few dvd's about the "ART" of terrier work in it, now they're a load of bollocks if ever i saw one. These dvd's are from the early eighties and i know of some of the boys on them and they were well thought of in their day. To say that there was an art to digging back then was IMO the biggest load of bollocks out, two or three dogs in at any one time, holes everywhere and no respect for their game :nono:.


I could name names but i can't see the piont, i totaly agree with FD theres better about now than ever before.

PS I took an old boy out a few years back on a estate in Shropshire and we were digging my dog out when the old boy comes out with a classic "this isn't digging it's to frantic" he goes on to tell me that i dig to fast !!!!, which leaves him open to "well putting two or three dogs in isn't digging either is it but that's what you did hey" needless to say he was quiet for the rest of the day.


I ought to put up the DVD's and let you make up you're own minds, but i honestly think there was a different mind set back then so it's not relevant with the terrier work of today "they didn't know any better".

Edited to say that some lads knew the proper way to work a terrier "single handed" and that's why they became the men they were and thankfully changed the way we work terriers today. CS not having a go mate just think you've got rosy glasses on.

Edited by busterdog
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Another sense of humour failure rolleyes.gif.

I was given a dvd collection the other day by my huntsman and its got a few dvd's about the "ART" of terrier work in it, now they're a load of bollocks if ever i saw one. These dvd's are from the early eighties and i know of some of the boys on them and they were well thought of in their day. To say that there was an art to digging back then was IMO the biggest load of bollocks out, two or three dogs in at any one time, holes everywhere and no respect for their game nono.gif.


I could name names but i can't see the piont, i totaly agree with FD theres better about now than ever before.

PS I took an old boy out a few years back on a estate in Shropshire and we were digging my dog out when the old boy comes out with a classic "this isn't digging it's to frantic" he goes on to tell me that i dig to fast !!!!, which leaves him open to "well putting two or three dogs in isn't digging either is it but that's what you did hey" needless to say he was quiet for the rest of the day.


I ought to put up the DVD's and let you make up you're own minds, but i honestly think there was a different mind set back then so it's not relevant with the terrier work of today "they didn't know any better".

Edited to say that some lads knew the proper way to work a terrier "single handed" and that's why they became the men they were and thankfully changed the way we work terriers today. CS not having a go mate just think you've got rosy glasses on.

I never realized digging men were so silly back then(my self included)that we knew no any better.Anyone i ever seen digging frantically was because he was afraid his dog was going to come out.As for people on videos showing the art of digging dont judge any generation by a few morons those people are in every generation.Their is NO ART TO DIGGING that is brawn the art bit is in being able to find the dog in big deep rambling sets(not a mean feat for people who didnt know any better)As for the man talking about a mouthfull of charlie thatis not a mute dog.Any dog worth his salt should have a mouthfull of charlie if he can reach him.A mute dog is a dog who wont bark back then we got rid of them because they were useless.I never looked back at them digging days with rose tinted glasses some of them were hardship on man and dog.But remember this the reason people have good digging dogs now is thanks to the generation that dug before them.The generation who didnt know any better.

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Guest busterdog

Another sense of humour failure rolleyes.gif.

I was given a dvd collection the other day by my huntsman and its got a few dvd's about the "ART" of terrier work in it, now they're a load of bollocks if ever i saw one. These dvd's are from the early eighties and i know of some of the boys on them and they were well thought of in their day. To say that there was an art to digging back then was IMO the biggest load of bollocks out, two or three dogs in at any one time, holes everywhere and no respect for their game nono.gif.


I could name names but i can't see the piont, i totaly agree with FD theres better about now than ever before.

PS I took an old boy out a few years back on a estate in Shropshire and we were digging my dog out when the old boy comes out with a classic "this isn't digging it's to frantic" he goes on to tell me that i dig to fast !!!!, which leaves him open to "well putting two or three dogs in isn't digging either is it but that's what you did hey" needless to say he was quiet for the rest of the day.


I ought to put up the DVD's and let you make up you're own minds, but i honestly think there was a different mind set back then so it's not relevant with the terrier work of today "they didn't know any better".

Edited to say that some lads knew the proper way to work a terrier "single handed" and that's why they became the men they were and thankfully changed the way we work terriers today. CS not having a go mate just think you've got rosy glasses on.

I never realized digging men were so silly back then(my self included)that we knew no any better.Anyone i ever seen digging frantically was because he was afraid his dog was going to come out.As for people on videos showing the art of digging dont judge any generation by a few morons those people are in every generation.Their is NO ART TO DIGGING that is brawn the art bit is in being able to find the dog in big deep rambling sets(not a mean feat for people who didnt know any better)As for the man talking about a mouthfull of charlie thatis not a mute dog.Any dog worth his salt should have a mouthfull of charlie if he can reach him.A mute dog is a dog who wont bark back then we got rid of them because they were useless.I never looked back at them digging days with rose tinted glasses some of them were hardship on man and dog.But remember this the reason people have good digging dogs now is thanks to the generation that dug before them.The generation who didnt know any better.


Perhaps i over generalized Liam ? I wasn't trying to tar every terrier man with the same brush but there was a lot more people who took it as the norm back in the eighties to two or three up.

As for digging frantic, i don't panic mate my dogs aren't going anywhere and as for mute thanks for the lesson but I've had a few. :thumbs:

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Guest AngelicAcid

Someone mentioned TOOLS IN THE BAG.


How do you draw a line?


a dog that stays till dug to, no matter how long.

On a handy tool in the bag, very good on tricky, hard digs, of a shorter period of time?


Would a dog that was A USEFUL TOOL IN THE BAG, Be PTS if didnt stay till Dug TO, By INEXPERIENCED LADS, who only wanted a dog that stayed all day?


Bolters, tail enders, digging dogs and stayers, they all have uses dont they?

Even a failed digging dog, to find depths of un tried earths.

To some lads these are like gold dust.


Is that where the line is, and say someone with years of exeprience, who would look at Different Qualities in each dog.


Sorry if this doesnt make sense to some of you.

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Someone mentioned TOOLS IN THE BAG.


How do you draw a line?


a dog that stays till dug to, no matter how long.

On a handy tool in the bag, very good on tricky, hard digs, of a shorter period of time?


Would a dog that was A USEFUL TOOL IN THE BAG, Be PTS if didnt stay till Dug TO, By INEXPERIENCED LADS, who only wanted a dog that stayed all day?


Bolters, tail enders, digging dogs and stayers, they all have uses dont they?

Even a failed digging dog, to find depths of un tried earths.

To some lads these are like gold dust.


Is that where the line is, and say someone with years of exeprience, who would look at Different Qualities in each dog.


Sorry if this doesnt make sense to some of you.


Makes perfect sense..... ;)

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I've noticed from a few recent threads that some are of the opinion that the modern terriers working abilities are in decline. Are they?-if so, In what way,and why? Lets hear your opinions...........

its not the dogs its the owners

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Guest AngelicAcid

Glad it does mate.

I got rid of a terrier a few years ago now, failed digging dog, but would travel anywhere.

Wish i still had her as would of saved MISTAKES.( Made by me.)

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Another sense of humour failure :rolleyes:.

I was given a dvd collection the other day by my huntsman and its got a few dvd's about the "ART" of terrier work in it, now they're a load of bollocks if ever i saw one. These dvd's are from the early eighties and i know of some of the boys on them and they were well thought of in their day. To say that there was an art to digging back then was IMO the biggest load of bollocks out, two or three dogs in at any one time, holes everywhere and no respect for their game :nono:.


I could name names but i can't see the piont, i totaly agree with FD theres better about now than ever before.

PS I took an old boy out a few years back on a estate in Shropshire and we were digging my dog out when the old boy comes out with a classic "this isn't digging it's to frantic" he goes on to tell me that i dig to fast !!!!, which leaves him open to "well putting two or three dogs in isn't digging either is it but that's what you did hey" needless to say he was quiet for the rest of the day.


I ought to put up the DVD's and let you make up you're own minds, but i honestly think there was a different mind set back then so it's not relevant with the terrier work of today "they didn't know any better".

Edited to say that some lads knew the proper way to work a terrier "single handed" and that's why they became the men they were and thankfully changed the way we work terriers today. CS not having a go mate just think you've got rosy glasses on.


the same sort of fools are still plentifull today buster. no doubt todays standards will be measured on there dvd clips. in the years to come. allthough i will conceed there are still some very good terriers about :D

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Years ago ,trust me nobody put a single dog in places you would today .Earths were trenched to find a dog in a deepish place and sometimes ruined.Its very nice to fantasise and reminise about the good old days but lets face it, today with the collars we have now ,one dog ,one hole is the hoped for result however deep .Yes the collar does allow the use of mute dogs but all mute dogs ive come across are mute for a reason ,a mouthful of charlie.


what a load of bollocks. mute dogs where nigh on useless. and rarely lasted long. and the only reason they are tolerated today is the fact that they can be found fast and then got to before they expire. and thinking back to when terrier work was an art form is not fantasizing its remembering the good times had with good company and good dogs. and when i was younger it was the same as today one dog in then locate it and dig it out. the only difference i see is it was harder to find the terrier so a little more was needed from man and dog.and a good voice being one of the main requirements. it wasnt all brute force and ignorance :angry:

I never mentioned mute dogs back then cleanspade,i know they couldnt be used so whose spouting bollocks now .Never known a mute dog to expire either so more bollocks.Facts mate ,crucial life skills.

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Years ago ,trust me nobody put a single dog in places you would today .Earths were trenched to find a dog in a deepish place and sometimes ruined.Its very nice to fantasise and reminise about the good old days but lets face it, today with the collars we have now ,one dog ,one hole is the hoped for result however deep .Yes the collar does allow the use of mute dogs but all mute dogs ive come across are mute for a reason ,a mouthful of charlie.


what a load of bollocks. mute dogs where nigh on useless. and rarely lasted long. and the only reason they are tolerated today is the fact that they can be found fast and then got to before they expire. and thinking back to when terrier work was an art form is not fantasizing its remembering the good times had with good company and good dogs. and when i was younger it was the same as today one dog in then locate it and dig it out. the only difference i see is it was harder to find the terrier so a little more was needed from man and dog.and a good voice being one of the main requirements. it wasnt all brute force and ignorance :angry:

I never mentioned mute dogs back then cleanspade,i know they couldnt be used so whose spouting bollocks now .Never known a mute dog to expire either so more bollocks.Facts mate ,crucial life skills.


facts the best blood of today came from carefully selected stock from yesteryear. not plonkers running two and three dogs to ground. good working stock was easy to find even commonplace. the show scene has diluted most good working strains. hence the reason the best lines are carefully distributed. to protect them . mute dogs are more liable to be lost to ground than a good baying terrier. ive seen more than one dog expire due to the fact it liked a mouthfull of fur.


as for life skills put your locator away for one season. and see how the easy digs become harder for you and your terriers.


the working terrier was better and more accessable back in the 70s/80s. most being up to the job. thats the way i see it. and the locator has made the job easier so apart from very few terriermen they are and have been bred for an easier task for some time now. :yes:

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I've noticed from a few recent threads that some are of the opinion that the modern terriers working abilities are in decline. Are they?-if so, In what way,and why? Lets hear your opinions...........



i think one of the most important things that is negative for the terriers in general is the fact that the necessary work on badger is prohibited f.ex. in britain. with badgerwork the selection of dogs takes place on another level in my oppinion....although it is not said that badger digging is always more difficult for a dog than working fox, i would say that in general badger digging requires much much more of everything a dog needs and only this way one can be 100 % sure of its dogs capabilities by working it with respect for dog and quarry constantely on badger..of course only one dog to ground. fortunately in many other countries, as in the one i live, digging of badgers is legal for a few months per year and is realistically seen by many countrymen as a necessity and as the most human way to control the population. and by the way it is a great opportunity to select our terriers traits.

in general i would say that as many posted before, that todays terriers are maybe better if from the right strains, and if bred by people that work their dogs, know about keeping the traits and use what they breed.


just my oppinion.

Edited by chris
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