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Just starting out

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Hi people I just got myself a Patterdale x Russell pup she's was only 6wks old when I got her and now she's just turned 5 months both parents are working dogs, I got it to do a bit of ratting and to keep me company when I go Fishing she is very wick and very bold at home but when I take her out she seems very timid,I shot a rat and a rabbit this week for her to rag about and she's not interested in them is this normal or is she still to young to have that killer instinct in her ???????

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Mine werent ever intrested in dead stuff and still aint. I dont get why people see this as some sort of mirical cure to get dogs working!?


Get it out there and give it a go. Most dogs dont need any encouragement to kill a rat :thumbs:

Edited by OldNog
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Mine werent ever intrested in dead stuff and still aint. I dont get why people see this as some sort of mirical cure to get dogs working!?


Get it out there and give it a go. Most dogs dont need any encouragement to kill a rat




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Am I expecting to much from her yet,I went up a local farm where there is a lot of rats Ive seen some running about but the pup hasn't yet and when I turn over sheets and boards the pup is frightend of the noise so she misses the rat she's not hunting yet is she to young shall I give her more time or shall I get shut I need a working dog not a lap dog


advice please

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the first time i took my plummer out i took it with another dog. we dug a rat out and the other dog killed it, but my pup wasnt interested at all. but the next time he saw one he wanted to kill it. itll probably just take a bit of time. like bbb says slowly slowly etc etc :thumbs:

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Give it a chance mate, if its only 5 months it probably still only got its milk teeth anyway.


I would not show it a rat until 8 months.


As the other guys have said "be patient" she will be fine once she has her first kill and then there will be no stopping her.

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thanks Guys all taken onboard I keep u all up to date on her progress,Im also thinking about getting another one in the next few months,Ive got some good farm building and yards to work them :thumbs:

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thanks Guys all taken onboard I keep u all up to date on her progress,Im also thinking about getting another one in the next few months,Ive got some good farm building and yards to work them :thumbs:

give it time..be patient and keep at it :thumbs: good luck lad.
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