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hey all


will be off shooting for rabbits this year for the first time...after plenty of shooting practice :gunsmilie:


im confident that i will be able to gut it effectively however my own religious beleifs dictate thatanything eaten should be bled properly (not the same as as halal or kosher just that it has to go through a bleeding process...can be explained if ya want in a different post but thats another subject)


the only way i can imagine is to slit the throat and hang it by the feet, tied to a tree or something. would this work? should it be just decapitated all together? would the hanging upside down cause the bladder to leak or anything?


any other tips on this would be appreciated.



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  On 05/03/2010 at 18:03, cwignall said:

hey all


will be off shooting for rabbits this year for the first time...after plenty of shooting practice gunsmilie.gif


im confident that i will be able to gut it effectively however my own religious beleifs dictate thatanything eaten should be bled properly (not the same as as halal or kosher just that it has to go through a bleeding process...can be explained if ya want in a different post but thats another subject)


the only way i can imagine is to slit the throat and hang it by the feet, tied to a tree or something. would this work? should it be just decapitated all together? would the hanging upside down cause the bladder to leak or anything?


any other tips on this would be appreciated.





before gutting the rabbit it should be squeezed to get the piss out the bladder,i do this straight after killing the rabbit,this is done by holding the rabbit by the front legs,belly facing away from you,put your hand firmly around rabbits body and pressing your thumb on the rabbits belly and firmly run down the body,do this 3 or 4 times or until no more piss is coming out. I would then cut of head and hang for no more than a day,hope this helps thumbs.gif

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  On 05/03/2010 at 23:18, martin said:

No need to bleed rabbits.



i know there is no need to bleed rabbits,but because of his beliefs he has to do it that way,that was why i said not to hang for more than a day,the meat is tender enough,atbthumbs.gif

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Hey all thanks for the replies.


I am a Jehovahs Witness. My beliefs with regards the bleeding is based on bible principles about the sanctity of blood and that being the life source, it belongs to God as the life giver. In ancient times, when a sacrifice was offered, the blood was either poured out on the ground before eating or placed on the alter. Its one of the principles that are still followed. It's not so specific that every last drop has to be removed just as long as the animal has been through the correct procedure. Thats it in a nut shell. :notworthy:


With regards timing one of my mates today said he has done it before and he said it was ok after 2 hours.


thanks for info!

Edited by cwignall
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as said you cant really bleed an animal proberly when its dead, so i can only think chin the animal quickly then slit thr throat very quickly while the heart is still winding down but that only works when you have your hands on a live rabbit like in ferreting. i suppose you could soak the flesh in salt water to remove the blood. b ut never heard that beleif before its an interesting one.



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  On 07/03/2010 at 18:36, cwignall said:

Hey all thanks for the replies.


I am a Jehovahs Witness. My beliefs with regards the bleeding is based on bible principles about the sanctity of blood and that being the life source, it belongs to God as the life giver. In ancient times, when a sacrifice was offered, the blood was either poured out on the ground before eating or placed on the alter. Its one of the principles that are still followed. It's not so specific that every last drop has to be removed just as long as the animal has been through the correct procedure. Thats it in a nut shell. :notworthy:


With regards timing one of my mates today said he has done it before and he said it was ok after 2 hours.


thanks for info!


Surely, with you being a JW, you should refer to Him as Jehovah, not God? Just an observation?

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  On 15/03/2010 at 17:11, cjw said:
  On 06/03/2010 at 20:36, ginger dave said:

Its a wind up



i,m with you it,s a wind up


I reckon so, the mrs studied JW's beliefs, and their Bible is the same as the Christian version, only replacing God with Jehovah. She studied it for 18 months too. :victory:

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