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whats your average catch amount

Guest elliesmith19

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Guest elliesmith19

how many rabbits do you lot usually catch on a average full nite out?????????????

would love to see the differences in peoples catch rate

i know different parts of the country have more scarce or lamp shy population but anyway

lets see what lads says???

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Last season I would average between 10 and 15 this season has been even poorer and my average has been 8 with my largest single bag bieng 11!!! Just not enough runs in a night!! I have stopped early this season on my favorite ground and it won't be ferreted and hopfully fingers crossed I will get to really test the dog next season!!!

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worst bag this season 0, best 21 and two retrieved hares. had a fair few 10,s and 15,s. this is single with my 20 month beddy whippet collie grey bitch but had a few more when out with mates. i must be loucky where im at as i have no permision and have caught hundereds this season with little bother from farmers/police/keepers. :thumbs:

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