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The 2nd pic of the starling is ok but the others are destined for the bin I think. What lens and settings?

Cleaning the windows would help, or getting off your bum and going outside :tongue2:


The last pic would have been nice, but the bird is just too fuzzy. The camera has done well with the exposure though, not easy to get birds against a bright sky.

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The 2nd pic of the starling is ok but the others are destined for the bin I think. What lens and settings?

Cleaning the windows would help, or getting off your bum and going outside :tongue2:


The last pic would have been nice, but the bird is just too fuzzy. The camera has done well with the exposure though, not easy to get birds against a bright sky.



the last two are


manual exsposure

evaluate metering

ISO 200



214mm (sigma 70-300)


the starlins were in the dark part of the shade but in a sun spot.


manual exsposure

evaluate metering

ISO 800



214mm (sigma again)

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I think you need a little more speed, 1/200 isn't really fast enough for small birds - they are constantly on the move, plus the speed is less than the focal length of the lens, so that will leave you wide open to camera shake problems. Yes, I know you can handhold pics at 1/20th sec, blah blah blah... :no::no::no: The late sunlight has brought the colours out well.

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its always better with a bit of shutter speed..... but once your there and the light goes, well..worth a try int it lol.(usualy a blurry try lol).



(and i have hand held at 200mm at 1/6..sniggers, not often though).

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its always better with a bit of shutter speed..... but once your there and the light goes, well..worth a try int it lol.(usualy a blurry try lol).



(and i have hand held at 200mm at 1/6..sniggers, not often though).


Quit drinking all that Caffeine Ghilies !!! its too much biggrin.gif its making you shake laugh.gif

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i gave up looking....


heres three though..


york minster 1/50'th only 90 mm though.


some weed flower 1/40th at 214mm


and the little pink flower is one of about 57 lol... 1/20'th 161mm....stood on soft soil no less, da-dahh lol. i'll post the slower speed ones if i come accros them.




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bleghhhh, morning. bad night bad awakening but heres a 1/6 (2 out of three). a first shot out of three. the more you stand there shooting the worse it gets basicly.......blured though at 1/6, 300mm (800 iso lol). close but not close enough.


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