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Lamp Comp Final!!!

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i will read it mate but you can tell me,what it says about mixis and judges desision and rules about land ,in my life maybe not yours always been nuetral judges no pals as judge on nuetral land , or one home and away , its the semis were into now when all this happens tell me the rules mate


mixi's dont count, you can run on anyones ground so long as both conestants agree.


judges to be agreed by both conestants, most of the heats have usualy had one partys freind as a judge, because geting some one totaly nutural is not easy.


now go and read it for ya self :thumbs:

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well thats what should ov happend last year, as i would ov won as i got robbed picin slips etc not allowing me a re slip after a long ear lifted when we thought it was a sittin rabbit you got to

Thanks michael for your kind 'genuine' offer, but how do you assume to know you have land close to both of us, when we are at different ends of the country??? also mate, no offence intended, but i don

I'm sure you have micheal, shall i give you a ring???i've already got your number or your mates number ya silly little twat!!!!

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Jesus, you don't half go on whin, maybe you should think about adding an 'e' to the end of your username off the back of this thread...


There's only so many rules can be written, where do you stop? It was the lads who entered into the comp last year that set the rules in the first place, not LDR himself from what I can remember.

Edited by maltenby
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read it tomo and says mixis dont count , and judges desision final not the competitors mate only way, not a hard desision ,


Your spelling and gramma have improved massively in your last two posts !!! By the way, can you tell us how it is you and "Micheal" have the same ISP number ????



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read it tomo and says mixis dont count , and judges desision final not the competitors mate only way, not a hard desision ,

Wat dog did J'O Keefe want to run you with win my mate gave him a black rough coated bitch called kelly in 82.

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poacher it was alittle bully whippet type a good dog he didnt train it but was wanting to run againnst my 13 month old pup at the time who was well trained but her first season on that type of land he was a chancer mate

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poacher it was alittle bully whippet type a good dog he didnt train it but was wanting to run againnst my 13 month old pup at the time who was well trained but her first season on that type of land he was a chancer mate

Yes i know he was whin only had him once at my place could smell the bullshit streight away head like a bucket and thought he were gods gift to womenthumbs.gif

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nest again year and afew thousand rabbits later i says come on then , aw he says the old dog is to old i says come on hewas not a s clevre thenbut he made afew quid out of the nlrc and they were a good laugh the old feild trails ,

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ye he had aplummer r lurcher useless he treid to by d slieghts milly for a grand , he was some man lucky i was nobodys fool but he found plenty at the mlrc shows ,must had been afew quid through his and rutters hands back then ,

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Well as someone who no longer owns a running dog, and hasn't entered the competition, I'm going to be brave and comment on this nonsense thread.


LDR made a very bold decision when he agreed to run another competition this year; especially after all the crap last year.


I thought the idea was for people to meet up and have a bit of a 'craic', not a serious money making venture by anyone. The theory was good, and reading the posts, it looks like friendships have been made, and sport had by most competitors.


Then we have the semi-literate whin(e), who just can't resist having a dig at the organisers, and seems incapable of understanding just what an idiot he is making himself look.


If I may ask, WTF has it got to do with Whin? Did he enter the competition? Did he judge? Did he offer land or accommodation? NO. So why does he need to make copious posts about all of this?


My guess is that he has a tiny penis.

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read it tomo and says mixis dont count , and judges desision final not the competitors mate only way, not a hard desision ,


Your spelling and gramma have improved massively in your last two posts !!! By the way, can you tell us how it is you and "Micheal" have the same ISP number ????




I have heard on the grapevine, that certain members on here have 2 or 3 names,first I thought it was a well known fellow from down in Cornwall, but you are forgetting WHIN is Scottish, and I cannot see him parting with money to have a second name, maybe MICHEAL, is the border fox, interest rates at the moment, vary between 7 and 9% that is to Borrow, not on a savings acc, its only a lamping competition,

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matt had both hunting on my land at one time or another, i am a fellow hunting dog man its a hunting forum and being involved with a few competitions over the years and , i have dogs and i do hunt , you have no dogs but you speak about dogs dont you ,my freind sh wa in it tomo who i met was in it hnted mostof my liife took more people out than enough so no abit about comps what do you no about comps rabbiting etc

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matt had both hunting on my land at one time or another, i am a fellow hunting dog man its a hunting forum and being involved with a few competitions over the years and , i have dogs and i do hunt , you have no dogs but you speak about dogs dont you ,my freind sh wa in it tomo who i met was in it hnted mostof my liife took more people out than enough so no abit about comps what do you no about comps rabbiting etc


Whin, if you go back and read (I hope your reading is better than your writing) my post, you will see that I 'no longer' have running dogs.


I have owned, bred and worked running dogs in the past; and know a little about the rabbit catching game. These days, my interests lie in labradors and terriers only, but that doesn't mean that I'm not a fan of the freezer fillers.


I don't think you need to be an expert in lamping competitions to see that you are just interfering and getting involved with something that doesn't effect you personally. I'm sure you have your reasons, but any respect you had on here is dwindling fast.


Amazingly (it had to happen one day) I find myself agreeing wholeheartedly with Strong Stuff on this one.


Oh, and the motto of Whin seems to be 'why post one illiterate post when you can post thousands'. Get yourself a spell checker, and loose the text talk, and people may be able to understand your rantings.

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who the fuch wants loads of names, leave that to the cornwall millionare , find it hard enough to have the patients to give some of them time of day, as some wouldnt catch a rabbit in a phone box , what intrest border lad of the winings you mean the longer it goes on the more intrest only a good scotsman would think of that ,its not a bad lift for a few rabbits , hey if i hadnt new the guys i couldnt have gave ahoot about catching afew rabbits as its not a big test at times for agod jukel but still good fun and legal

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