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Hi Recently put a thread up regarding an air rifle that i am receiving this week Weihrauch HW80k .22

I am looking to buy a couple of tins of different pellets. Have had a look at 9 pellet thread on this forum and will probably go for the Bisley mag. Was just wondering if it would worth getting another tin of different pellets to use for acurate distance work etc? If so what pellets would you guys recomend. Any help would appreciated


Thanks very much

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Hi Recently put a thread up regarding an air rifle that i am receiving this week Weihrauch HW80k .22

I am looking to buy a couple of tins of different pellets. Have had a look at 9 pellet thread on this forum and will probably go for the Bisley mag. Was just wondering if it would worth getting another tin of different pellets to use for acurate distance work etc? If so what pellets would you guys recomend. Any help would appreciated


Thanks very much



Hiya mate.


I have a HW98, and it loves AA Hunters.


Very accurate out to 45yds.


If you PM me your address Ill send you a few to try out.......might save a shilling or two.










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I'll probably be shot down by others, but personally I wouldn't use Bisley Magnums in a .22 springer.


I have found the HW80 and 95s like AA Field and also Falcon Accuracy Plus. But I know friends who sweare by RWS Superdome and also Accupells.





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For general work I use either AAF's or FX pellets.


If I remember correctly the Biz Mags were developed for use in PCP's rather than springers?


I got excellent results from AAF's in both PCP and Springers :gunsmilie:


For back yardplinking at my knockdowns I use the Milbro Caladonions (got 5000 free when I got the springer)

Don't think I would risk them for hunting though:thumbs:



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Cheers guys, thanks for the advice. The Airarms were another option of mine and it seems alot of people on here like them. How do the fields differ from the hunters?


Thats why I like these forums, I'm part of a fishing one as well and theres always lots of good advice to be had and it's also nice to help people as well.


I shall PM sweeney

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Hi, mate.


Springers don't tend to like really heavy pellets and the Mags weigh in at a hefty 21 grains. They were originaly developed by H and N (as the Baracuda) for the U.S. market and sold by Beeman under there own brand.


You'll lose at least 10% power from your 80 and added to the fact that they are so heavy, the velocity will be VERY slow in a sub 12ft-lb gun. Unless you're a God of range estimation and get to know the tragectory inside-out, you'll find it very hard to place shots at range.


Try some of the other pellets sugested by the other lads. I've had good results with H and N FTT's in HW springers.


Good luck, mate!



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Cheers guys, thanks for the advice. The Airarms were another option of mine and it seems alot of people on here like them. How do the fields differ from the hunters?


Thats why I like these forums, I'm part of a fishing one as well and theres always lots of good advice to be had and it's also nice to help people as well.


I shall PM sweeney


They are the same weight but a slightly different shape. I tested both in both my HW95 and AA S400 and found the fields to be more velocity consistent and accurate.





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