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out shooting today

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hi ya lads

well i managed to get out for a couple of hours this morning on a new permissioni got the other day land span around 300 but maybe a little less well i went around with my little terrier but not a bean nothing narda couldn't see why either so as i was bored i decided to take a couple of pictures there are a lot of rabbit warrens around but i saw a good healthy looking fox mooching as well so he must be having a good feed on the younger rabbits he /she had a very nice shiny coat as well so he must be doing something right so to speak, well i got around to the wooded area to see a couple of pigeons sitting high in the trees as they wasn't bothered by me walking up i took aim and yes i misse twice this happend :doh::o:( so i had to go and check my zero on both guns spot on 30mtrs on a 5p coin :D so lads it was all down to me and as it was very cold i have put it down to my trigger finger getting to cold and pulling to hard on the trigger well we all miss from time to time :doh: well here are a couple of pictures my guns tx200hc 177 hw silencer and prosport 22 255l11c.jpg this is some of the land 2a8q5xj.jpg2ptyt4x.jpg





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Never mind Shay,


You'll be glad to know that I was out for 5 hours, in the freezing cold as well.

I checked my zero and made the adjustments (due to the AA silencer being back on and going back to AAF's)


Created a cracking nugget of shiney lead; 3 pellets fused into one on my portable backstop :toast:


Then I set up the Owl deek, a Maggie deek and a Crow deek, chucked some bread on the floor next to the birds (not the owl one).

And I waited, and waited, and well you get the idea!


It was so cold even the bunnies were tucked up in their warrens except one young kit.

Out of range so I just watched it for a while till the black moggie from the cemy came in and made it bolt down a hole. :wallbash:


Lots of Thrushes, Blackbirds,Blue Tits (I did say it was cold) Robins, Finches and a whole flock of Redwings in the paddock though (they are pretty birds).


There were a lot of maggies about as well but none inside my permission that would land. Plenty flying and circling the deek though :wallbash:

Remembering that they will come and visit a dead relative, I figured I could maybe get some from out of the tree to land if I knocked the Maggie deek over :hmm:


So I placed my crosshairs just behind the deeks eye squeezed the trigger, clink went the hammer, phutt went the muzzle crack went the pellet as it hit the deek and the deek did a tripple barrel roll :thumbs:


Well the maggies certainly noticed :boogie: they began circling and chattering like football crowd :icon_eek:

But did any of them land?


:wallbash: O :wallbash: P :wallbash: E


Later, Two Canada Geese flew over my head and my daughter and her friend walked right past me less than 10 feet away and didn't see me.


My camo hide must be good :)


I came home very cold and miffed and my trigger finger has split yet again and is sore as :censored:

I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one that blanked :thumbs:

Hopefully do better tomorrow :yes:



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Dont you hate it when they just dont land on your permission?


Yesterday I heard some magpies clacking so got the airgun out and sat hidden in my kitchen watching over my garden (large garden i hasten to add). There were 4 magpies flying about and about 4 fat pigeons. But would they land in my garden or in my trees where I could get a safe shot off? Nope. In the end, 2 of these magpies landed on a small tree in my neighbours garden about 2feet away from my boundry and sat there for ages and ages. It was as if they just "knew" I wouldnt shoot them there.

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hi ya lads

cheers for the comments the log pile thats in the pic is great for the cover and warrens all over the place around 5mtrs to 40mtrs from it so yeah that will make great cover to but it worked out as when i got home i had to pigeons in the garden so the dogs where happy about that lol plus gary yeah very true matey i could have been doing the dishes but i timed it just right and the wife had done them :clapper::thumbs: but she had me finishing the extention off on one side of the house so i lost out on that bit should have done the dishes :laugh::hmm:



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