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I always check my dogs feet after a nights lamping and after certain runs. Just wondering if anyone has experienced pieces of flint cutting there lurchers feet. and what they do about it. Ran my lurcher last night across some fields that obviously had some flint in it. the flint i believe has sliced straight through the skin between the pads. i could see what the vets would be able to do in this small area.. so i cleaned it, but a warm poulice on and then dry bandage it. with regular cleaning. one cut has healed but think the bigger one will take some time..


Does anyone else have any advise or experience on this



kind regards



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The area I live in is very flinty (Hampshire) and dogs of all crosses get cut up from time to time running over these flint fields. Little you can do, other than bathe and leave to heal. Luckily dogs can lick their feet, so heal quite quickly. Plenty of road work toughens up the pads and may help against cuts. Dogs with collie or saluki blood seam to have better feet for this type of ground. ATB.

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