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:( my pup has got a rip on the front of his back leg only got 3 staples in cant join the rest to gether its good enough but cant keep bandage on as foot keeps swelling only did it yesterday any sugestions would be helpfull what to put on it etc, ive put intra gel on it and bathed it a couple of times but i no somone out there with more knolledge of tears and rips can help please do. thanks
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heres one you may not have considered,take it to a vet
thats who put the staplels in lilike i said they could only put 3 staples in they couldnt get the rest together i was just asking so i can help with a speedy and comfortable recovery cheers anyway
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my mistake pal,accept my apoliges,i read it wrong and just assumed you had just cobbled the job together without knowing what your doing,and its gone funny,that will teach me not to jump to conclusions :icon_redface: ,i hope you get the dog sorted asap
ive just read what i wrote it does sound like i did do it myself easliy misunderstood cheers.i cant speel ethier. :D
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I read it the same Skinny :yes::D


Just leave it alone. If it looks ok, no infection, no swelling just leave well alone. Cleaning it and putting this and that on it can introduce infection. Let the air get to it to dry it out and keep him on the lead short walks only. Some times people makes things worse by trying to do good...if you know what i mean ;)


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All you can do is keep it clean mate, I have had dog's with bad rips but never stitched them as pulling the skin isn't always the best I.M.O. bathed once or twice a day with salt water will keep it clean and if the dog can lick it also this will help above all just rest the dog and keep a watchfull eye over ;) ........tears can look really bad on times but unless the tear is into the muscle they usually come good in no time at all

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the main thing to do is keep it clean and try it needs to scab up just like us if you got a cut

and you keep get it weting it take longer to heal up may be the reson it's foot gets swollen is you mite

be putting bandiage's too tight . and stop it from runing round keep it in one room or some thing for

a week or so or if not sure go back to vet hope that helps

wild dog

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