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Falkland Islands

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thatcher best thing to happen to this country behave yaself redie, mass unemployment was nothing to be proud off. you were looked after being in the forses, but for ordenry guys like us, it was fec

First of all ive never been down a pit,although a few relatives were miners yrs ago,im in construction.   I dont vote for labour and never would,selling the council houses was a brilliant strategy o

Drop bomb, or invade main islands, drop bomb, or invade main islands.   Damn, I bet that was a hard... Oh, did the plane just get a lot lighter then  

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The Falklands are 300 miles away from the coast of Argentina,whos waters extend to 200 miles off the coast.

Argentina has NEVER in history owned the Falklands so by any international law has no claim to it.

As for Thatcher, she had more patriotism in her little finger than the whole of the Labour government put together. Who when it comes to immigration and european policy are little more than traitors.

Ask all the exfishermen in the uk how patriotic maggie was they sat and watched while the rest of the eec fished our waters she did fxxk all she backed the UDM and shit on them after the strike and it was maggie that said there was no demand for coal anymore yet theres more and more opencast mines opening all the time

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If it British, keep it British..you give too much away. Be proud , you have history the world jealous of . :thumbs:


Spelling - A

Grammar - C

At least I could understand you Clint - " Be proud of your nation it has a history most of the world is jealous of" I think this is what you meant - Yes?

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If it British, keep it British..you give too much away. Be proud , you have history the world jealous of . :thumbs:


Spelling - A

Grammar - C

At least I could understand you Clint - " Be proud of your nation it has a history most of the world is jealous of" I think this is what you meant - Yes?

For a small fee I can help you out with other posts.



I don't think Clint is British, sounds more like a sausage roll :hmm:

Good chap all the same.

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If it British, keep it British..you give too much away. Be proud , you have history the world jealous of . :thumbs:


Spelling - A

Grammar - C

At least I could understand you Clint - " Be proud of your nation it has a history most of the world is jealous of" I think this is what you meant - Yes?

For a small fee I can help you out with other posts.



I don't think Clint is British, sounds more like a sausage roll :hmm:

Good chap all the same.

LOL I don't know the definition of Sausage Roll , it sounds hillarious. Clint has PM'd me twice - no animosity between us - What better place to learn spelling and grammar than THL. Many of you UK'rs can't spell for shite either. That's why I get on the site to learn about about the daft nutter's trying to hunt on the other side of the pond.


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Forget Clint.What dose he know about British history.Most yanks dont even know about there own.I have stated my case on this thread.But A two gun toteing American to come in and start shouting the odds is a bit of a joke.PS I have the highest regards for the Americans.But when it comes to brittish history forget it.atb. Catcher

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Forget Clint.What dose he know about British history.Most yanks dont even know about there own.I have stated my case on this thread.But A two gun toteing American to come in and start shouting the odds is a bit of a joke.PS I have the highest regards for the Americans.But when it comes to brittish history forget it.atb. Catcher

:clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper: Go Catcher tell it like it is. If I was black I could say" Ni**er Please" That is a little lesson in American black history my cultured brutha. :icon_eek:
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Forget Clint.What dose he know about British history.Most yanks dont even know about there own.I have stated my case on this thread.But A two gun toteing American to come in and start shouting the odds is a bit of a joke.PS I have the highest regards for the Americans.But when it comes to brittish history forget it.atb. Catcher

clapper.gifclapper.gifclapper.gifclapper.gif Go Catcher tell it like it is. If I was black I could say" Ni**er Please" That is a little lesson in American black history my cultured brutha. icon_eek.gif



Fair play bud.you do have.First bull runclapper.gifclapper.gif Save you searcing mate first time you kicked our ass was Bunker hill.atb.Catcher

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Forget Clint.What dose he know about British history.Most yanks dont even know about there own.I have stated my case on this thread.But A two gun toteing American to come in and start shouting the odds is a bit of a joke.PS I have the highest regards for the Americans.But when it comes to brittish history forget it.atb. Catcher

clapper.gifclapper.gifclapper.gifclapper.gif Go Catcher tell it like it is. If I was black I could say" Ni**er Please" That is a little lesson in American black history my cultured brutha. icon_eek.gif



Fair play bud.you do have.First bull runclapper.gifclapper.gif Save you searcing mate first time you kicked our ass was Bunker head.atb.Catcher

Did you mean to say Bunker Head - Shure is wasn't Bunker Hill? :wallbash:

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