poacher3161 1,766 Posted March 4, 2010 Report Share Posted March 4, 2010 steve s yorks you sound like a typical x pitman,slagging maggie off when as there been a pm with the balls she had fooking never.i served in 82 in the falklands along with many others to retain the islands.remember also the fooking pitmen who having bought there ex council house for fook all then sold for huge profit still said she was evil bollox she was the best thing to happen to this immigrant loving counry. From the Pitlands myself and it angers me that lads still vote labour because their grandads did, thick fukas or what. Maggie was a strong leader and the demise of the pits was as much the Unions fault as Maggies, Scargill made himself rich out of the strike. It was the Unions maggie was against not the Pitmen, greedy fukin Union men ruining it for the worker for the benifit of themselfes. The labour goverment of the last 10 years with Blair and now Brown at the helm have RUINED this country . The country may never recover it could be the next Greece or Zimbabwea where our money aint worth shit. The twats bailed the Bankers out so that they would not loose their investments in Companies and property feck the rest of us , let us pay for the next 50-100 years so long as they have their money tucked away safe. Why has the labour goverment not helped the Steelworkers of teeside like they did the bankers? Because there is nothing in it for them. Anyone who partook in fieldsports and can vote labour want there heads looking at .Cu-nts the lot of them. How was it the unions fault [bANNED TEXT] the goverment gave cortonwood 2 weeks notice to shut???Maggie is to blame for the rise of the new political party called new labour wich every working man has sufferd under no better than the tories but at least the tories are up front about it. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
gonetoearth 5,144 Posted March 4, 2010 Report Share Posted March 4, 2010 (edited) i'm no geography expert but how many miles are the falklands form england and how far are they from argentina How far from Belfast is Dublin............... well mate i don't consider belfast to be british, as far as i'm concerned its just another part of ireland. britain took over lots of countrys by having superiour armed forces, how would you boys like it the yanks decided to take over britain (they have a superiour army to yours) this is not shit sturing, i'm being 100% honest here lads and i'm genuinely curious to hear your opinions I agree with you on Ireland mate BUT the Yanks as The Chinese as the Russians may have a bigger army but Superior like feck. Man for man we are the best fighting force in the world, the best trained and disciplined. Get a hundred of our best and put them against a hundred of any army in the worlds best and plonk them in any enviroment ie, Artic, Jungle, Desert, City ect and let them go at it. I know who my money would be on. that may be true mate but not many wars are fought man to man these days, its some computer programer launching shit from a long way away and thats why we have nuclear sub on permanent patrol you would get more than you bargained for ,if you attacked the uk Edited March 4, 2010 by gonetoearth Quote Link to post Share on other sites
wetdogsmell 99 Posted March 4, 2010 Report Share Posted March 4, 2010 i'm no geography expert but how many miles are the falklands form england and how far are they from argentina How far from Belfast is Dublin............... well mate i don't consider belfast to be british, as far as i'm concerned its just another part of ireland. britain took over lots of countrys by having superiour armed forces, how would you boys like it the yanks decided to take over britain (they have a superiour army to yours) this is not shit sturing, i'm being 100% honest here lads and i'm genuinely curious to hear your opinions I agree with you on Ireland mate BUT the Yanks as The Chinese as the Russians may have a bigger army but Superior like feck. Man for man we are the best fighting force in the world, the best trained and disciplined. Get a hundred of our best and put them against a hundred of any army in the worlds best and plonk them in any enviroment ie, Artic, Jungle, Desert, City ect and let them go at it. I know who my money would be on. that may be true mate but not many wars are fought man to man these days, its some computer programer launching shit from a long way away and thats why we have nuclear sub on permanent patrol you would get more than you bargained for ,if you attacked the uk just on surface area alone the could wipe you out quicker than you could wipe them out, plus i think they might have a sub or two knocking about, plus stealth bommers and don't forget rambo and chuck norris Quote Link to post Share on other sites
gonetoearth 5,144 Posted March 4, 2010 Report Share Posted March 4, 2010 i'm no geography expert but how many miles are the falklands form england and how far are they from argentina How far from Belfast is Dublin............... well mate i don't consider belfast to be british, as far as i'm concerned its just another part of ireland. britain took over lots of countrys by having superiour armed forces, how would you boys like it the yanks decided to take over britain (they have a superiour army to yours) this is not shit sturing, i'm being 100% honest here lads and i'm genuinely curious to hear your opinions I agree with you on Ireland mate BUT the Yanks as The Chinese as the Russians may have a bigger army but Superior like feck. Man for man we are the best fighting force in the world, the best trained and disciplined. Get a hundred of our best and put them against a hundred of any army in the worlds best and plonk them in any enviroment ie, Artic, Jungle, Desert, City ect and let them go at it. I know who my money would be on. that may be true mate but not many wars are fought man to man these days, its some computer programer launching shit from a long way away and thats why we have nuclear sub on permanent patrol you would get more than you bargained for ,if you attacked the uk just on surface area alone the could wipe you out quicker than you could wipe them out, plus i think they might have a sub or two knocking about, plus stealth bommers and don't forget rambo and chuck norris yeh but we have the chuckle brothers Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Malt 379 Posted March 4, 2010 Report Share Posted March 4, 2010 yeh but we have the chuckle brothers Don't forget Mr. Bean & Rab C Nesbit. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
wetdogsmell 99 Posted March 4, 2010 Report Share Posted March 4, 2010 i'm no geography expert but how many miles are the falklands form england and how far are they from argentina How far from Belfast is Dublin............... well mate i don't consider belfast to be british, as far as i'm concerned its just another part of ireland. britain took over lots of countrys by having superiour armed forces, how would you boys like it the yanks decided to take over britain (they have a superiour army to yours) this is not shit sturing, i'm being 100% honest here lads and i'm genuinely curious to hear your opinions I agree with you on Ireland mate BUT the Yanks as The Chinese as the Russians may have a bigger army but Superior like feck. Man for man we are the best fighting force in the world, the best trained and disciplined. Get a hundred of our best and put them against a hundred of any army in the worlds best and plonk them in any enviroment ie, Artic, Jungle, Desert, City ect and let them go at it. I know who my money would be on. that may be true mate but not many wars are fought man to man these days, its some computer programer launching shit from a long way away and thats why we have nuclear sub on permanent patrol you would get more than you bargained for ,if you attacked the uk just on surface area alone the could wipe you out quicker than you could wipe them out, plus i think they might have a sub or two knocking about, plus stealth bommers and don't forget rambo and chuck norris yeh but we have the chuckle brothers and don't forget dale winton, he'd stop me thinking about penetrating you perimeter Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Born Hunter 17,832 Posted March 4, 2010 Report Share Posted March 4, 2010 Right lads...... pissing contest! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
wetdogsmell 99 Posted March 4, 2010 Report Share Posted March 4, 2010 Right lads...... pissing contest! name the time and place, i can piss farther than all of yous Quote Link to post Share on other sites
rob.i 26 Posted March 4, 2010 Report Share Posted March 4, 2010 Right lads...... pissing contest! name the time and place, i can piss farther than all of yous [/quoteIcan piss the highest and farthest beat that if you,ll pardon the pun Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Catcher 1 639 Posted March 4, 2010 Report Share Posted March 4, 2010 Over hundreds of years.The only way you could win wars was by sea.Most wars where won by who had the strongest navy.Many lands were taken by force to keep shipping lanes open and have safe ports of calls.The people of the Falklands still want British rule so it should stay that way After 9/11 The yanks will never take the side of any one before Britain.Saying that these two countries can never shout about civil right,s looking at there own past Quote Link to post Share on other sites
steveS.Yorks 161 Posted March 4, 2010 Report Share Posted March 4, 2010 steve s yorks you sound like a typical x pitman,slagging maggie off when as there been a pm with the balls she had fooking never.i served in 82 in the falklands along with many others to retain the islands.remember also the fooking pitmen who having bought there ex council house for fook all then sold for huge profit still said she was evil bollox she was the best thing to happen to this immigrant loving counry. First of all ive never been down a pit,although a few relatives were miners yrs ago,im in construction. I dont vote for labour and never would,selling the council houses was a brilliant strategy on Maggies part,for loads of reasons,not least because it gave the "new homeowners" a reason to put up with any old bollocks and be shit scared of losing their house,there was so much council housing that needed repairs and maintainance it was a financial disater waiting to happen anyway,by selling them she took that responsibility away from councils and ultimatly away from her governmant,and "sold for a huge profit" most people who bought them [at least in my area]still live in them. The reason for the pit strike or should i say the reason Maggie needed to smash the unions was so the Americans and Japs would invest in this country,when unions were strong they just wouldnt and she did it knowing it would destroy whole areas and families,now instead of heavy industry and worthwhile pay packets people do warehouse work or some other bullshit job with low pay,which in turn affects all the local economy,shops services and not least from a personal point of view construction. If you think Thatcher was good i think your grasp of economics must be pretty poor,and as for Arthur Scargill a mate once said Arthur must be one of the cleanest characters ever,because mi5/mi6 and all the shithouses put together never managed to dig anything of any value up to blacken his name,and boy would they have tried. And a lot of those miners from my area were the sons of the men who fought in the trenches,at places like the Somme,where my Grandad lost half his arse cheek[and his leg at 70 due to the wound]and he spent 35 yrs working in a pit,so sorry if i sound a bit bitter to Thatcher. 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jasper65 6 Posted March 4, 2010 Author Report Share Posted March 4, 2010 No doubt about it Thatcher was a bitch with alot of decisions. when I was at Primary school we would always get a bottle of milk and straw at break and dinner, she soon put a stop to that and was labeled "Thatcher Thatcher the Milk snatcher" this was just many of her big mistakes. but I must admit she definitely wore the red/white and blue flag on her sleeve when it came to chrisis decisions, it was her who gave the order to sink the Argie ship General Belgrano, it was her apparantly who said "No Prisoners" when the SAS did the job on the Iranian embassy to free hostages.... No doubt about it she had plenty of bad points but you couldn't fault her for Patriotism, even back in 82 the Yanks under Reagan wasn't exactly with us on the Falklands, I think back them Reagan kept trying to find a alternative but she was having none of it. You did get the impresion back then that all out forces backed her! I bet if you asked a good few now if they back Brown they would laugh......... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
SHOTGUNSNIPER 47 Posted March 5, 2010 Report Share Posted March 5, 2010 (edited) America is allways sticking it's beak in were it isn't wanted I think we should seal our boarders off and let the rest of the world have a go at each other. Back in WW2 when the Germans were occupying country's all over Europe and bombing the shite out of Russia and they were also bombing some Islands off the coast France too ; Yes I do believe that we should have kept out of Europe then and just kicked Japans butt , a whole lot less Americans would not be burred all over Europe and it would be much easier to sort things out when visting or doing buisness today in Europe and the Islands of the Western European coast ( Hmm what is the name of those Islands) . We would only have to speak German and only have to go through one German passport check. Yes it would be much simpler like that. And less soccer teams to keep track of also! SGS:whistling: Hang about mate you came late, you profited from countries with no other alternatives and you shot more allies that the germans did Ok I made the last one up but don't come acting oh we did this because we care bollocks you got involved coz of money, control and power. We've only just finished paying off the debt to the USA we ran up for WWII! America has always acted on its own best interests. They are not, contrary to their belief, the worlds police force. The hypocracy shown by successive american gov'ts surpasses credulity. Condemn human rights violations in china and other countries yet still have the death penalty for children and women! Condemn torture by other countries then commit it themselves, then spit their dummy out when they get caught out! Jeez, when america wakes up to the responsibilty of what it has done to too many third world countries then come out and critisise others until then keep your huge bald american eagle "BEAK" out of something you do not understand. Perhaps Mrs Clintons husband should have kept his "beak" tucked away it wouldn't have made her look like a gold digger? Remember YOU are a colony! Emphasis on the COLON element! Swampy America for the natives Ning! LOL I love to here you limey's get after it like this ...... I despise the Clintons and Obama - AND I really do want America to seal it's borders and pull out of all involvbment with the rest of the world for a set period of time - a moratrorium of US world involment and trade. Most true conservative Americans think along these lines. I come from a long line of warriors and my ancestors have fought and died with and against Britts. I have Irish ancestory . The point I am making is I hate war but I love my freedom - there is the dilema. I think America is backing the wrong party when it comes to the oil issues around the Falkland's. We were your allie in the first go round with Argentina - why Clinton wants to change sides is simply to defy US policy set by conservatives before her time she is just a liberal troublemaker. As for the colon remark well well well I resmeble that remark I am an ass, now tell me somthing I dont know. SGS Edited March 5, 2010 by SHOTGUNSNIPER Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Malt 379 Posted March 5, 2010 Report Share Posted March 5, 2010 LOL I love to here you limey's get after it like this ...... SGS We're not always the calm, softly spoken people that you Yanks picture us as! When we get riled, we get riled... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ROUGH COATED Posted March 5, 2010 Report Share Posted March 5, 2010 FFUCK ME THAT MADE ME LAUGH Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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