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Falkland Islands

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Its nice to now you can depend on the Yanks to stand in your corner like we did with Bush in Iraq whistling.gif..


it kiils me how the brain dead X president of the USA managed to convince our then f****n Nugget of a Prime Minister that Iraq was a threat carrying weapons of Of Mass Distruction, the best bit is we went to War on that strength in support for the Yanks when most countries in Europe apposed it....


So how do they repay us?? Take sides with the Argiesdoh.gif..............


if our PM had any backbone he should now pull all our lads out of Afghanastan with Imediate effect, f**k me wouldn't that be some payback yes.gif........

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  On 03/03/2010 at 17:09, jasper65 said:

Its nice to now you can depend on the Yanks to stand in your corner like we did with Bush in Iraq whistling.gif..


it kiils me how the brain dead X president of the USA managed to convince our then f****n Nugget of a Prime Minister that Iraq was a threat carrying weapons of Of Mass Distruction, the best bit is we went to War on that strength in support for the Yanks when most countries in Europe apposed it....


So how do they repay us?? Take sides with the Argiesdoh.gif..............


if our PM had any backbone he should now pull all our lads out of Afghanastan with Imediate effect, f**k me wouldn't that be some payback yes.gif........

spot on,theres no argies fighting with the us in iraq or afghanistan or was there in any of the other wars its completely ridiculous that theres even a chance theyd be on their side

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  On 03/03/2010 at 16:07, maltenby said:
  On 03/03/2010 at 15:01, SHOTGUNSNIPER said:

America is allways sticking it's beak in were it isn't wanted I think we should seal our boarders off and let the rest of the world have a go at each other. Back in WW2 when the Germans were occupying country's all over Europe and bombing the shite out of Russia and they were also bombing some Islands off the coast France too ; Yes I do believe that we should have kept out of Europe then and just kicked Japans butt , a whole lot less Americans would not be burred all over Europe and it would be much easier to sort things out when visting or doing buisness today in Europe and the Islands of the Eastern European coast ( Hmm what is the name of those Islands) . We would only have to speak German and only have to go through one German passport check. Yes it would be much simpler like that. And less soccer teams to keep track of also!




...and if America had 'stuck their beak in' a bit earlier, (X2 WW1 & 2) there mightn't have been any American soldiers buried all over Europe alongside millions of other brave young souls of various other nationalities who fought in the name of freedom.. :whistling:


I've no beef with America personally, but I think Clinton's stand stinks in the current climate. There's British soldiers dying daily after we followed America into Afghanistan and Iraq after the terrible 9/11 attacks on your country. Sometimes it pays to be diplomatic, she should have said f**k all.... :yes:

Good ol' Malty!

The welsh inteligencia!


Damn right.

For the record. I was there in '82 .The locals "Bennys" "Stills" and "Andys" just wanted to be left alone to live their lives.

Thanks to the Argies they now have to put up with all the bollox that goes with a British Gov't.

The guy that ran the Globe PH was an Argie and had to leave because of the soldiers. He'd been there all his life and had no truk with either side.

Its a shame but a part of falklands life has been lost forever since '82. Are they happier now? Thats for them to decide..lets hope they get the chance to.


Veteren ning



ps "shot gun sniper" is a rather apt name for an american. Subtle non?


Low dig at peoples names ning

Edited by Swampy
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  On 03/03/2010 at 15:01, SHOTGUNSNIPER said:

America is allways sticking it's beak in were it isn't wanted I think we should seal our boarders off and let the rest of the world have a go at each other. Back in WW2 when the Germans were occupying country's all over Europe and bombing the shite out of Russia and they were also bombing some Islands off the coast France too ; Yes I do believe that we should have kept out of Europe then and just kicked Japans butt , a whole lot less Americans would not be burred all over Europe and it would be much easier to sort things out when visting or doing buisness today in Europe and the Islands of the Eastern European coast ( Hmm what is the name of those Islands) . We would only have to speak German and only have to go through one German passport check. Yes it would be much simpler like that. And less soccer teams to keep track of also!




Ever heard of the "Zimmerman note" mate? Want to know why you really came into WW2?


From what im reading most people seem to think we fought the Argies over the Falklands to "keep it British" or "because its ours" ?


What if i told you theres a continent with untapped mineral wealth not to far away,and the Falklands would make a good stageing post,apologies to the lads who fought,but much like todays "war on terror" its a case of dying for mineral wealth,if there was no strategic wealth gathering value to the Falklands the war wouldnt have happened.


Whether they knew about the oil surrounding the Falklands before the war i dont know,but i suspect they would have,its all about money im afraid and getting ordineary young lads to die for them by telling lies.SCUM.

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  On 03/03/2010 at 17:18, kevin kiely said:
  On 03/03/2010 at 17:09, jasper65 said:

Its nice to now you can depend on the Yanks to stand in your corner like we did with Bush in Iraq whistling.gif..


it kiils me how the brain dead X president of the USA managed to convince our then f****n Nugget of a Prime Minister that Iraq was a threat carrying weapons of Of Mass Distruction, the best bit is we went to War on that strength in support for the Yanks when most countries in Europe apposed it....


So how do they repay us?? Take sides with the Argiesdoh.gif..............


if our PM had any backbone he should now pull all our lads out of Afghanastan with Imediate effect, f**k me wouldn't that be some payback yes.gif........

spot on,theres no argies fighting with the us in iraq or afghanistan or was there in any of the other wars its completely ridiculous that theres even a chance theyd be on their side


USA suported IRA also, apparently had mercinaries on the Falklands and the French supplied technicians which enabled Argie Jets to Launch their Exocets. Yep we got a right top bunch of allies.

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and for the record i was there in 82 till 84,

give the falklands to the argentines its a shit hole anyway and why should it stay part of the uk anyway?????

ireland yes its 40 bloody miles away,falklands is weeks away well it was them days,

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Micheal behave!!! It dosen't matter whether they're 40 or 40,000 miles away they are still British and as for the mineral rights well anybody who thought this was all about a few sheep and locals is a bloody idiot. The sheer unimaginable scale of deposits in Antartica alone, is worth fighting for............................................ Isn't it???? :hmm:

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  On 02/03/2010 at 23:05, wetdogsmell said:

i'm no geography expert but how many miles are the falklands form england and how far are they from argentina :whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling:


How far from Belfast is Dublin...............

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  On 03/03/2010 at 19:33, riohog said:

yeah they knew about it steve , and yes it is well placed , for antartica always has been right back to the whaleing days , and yes it is all about minerals !! very sad but true !


Not surprised about that mate,i know as a nation we have to have oil/gas...ect,but im pissed off that its paid for with the blood of young working class lads,the ficticious excuses for these conflicts are a f***ing joke,weapons of mass destuction,war on terror,if we really wanted to stop terrorism it would be childs play,pure greed and bullshit.


Rant over [for now]

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