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Falkland Islands

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thatcher best thing to happen to this country behave yaself redie, mass unemployment was nothing to be proud off. you were looked after being in the forses, but for ordenry guys like us, it was fec

First of all ive never been down a pit,although a few relatives were miners yrs ago,im in construction.   I dont vote for labour and never would,selling the council houses was a brilliant strategy o

Drop bomb, or invade main islands, drop bomb, or invade main islands.   Damn, I bet that was a hard... Oh, did the plane just get a lot lighter then  

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Guest bullterrier
  On 02/03/2010 at 22:13, jasper65 said:

Nice to know we can always depend on our so called friends to back us up. The Labour government ran round them like lap dogs and this is how they repay usdoh.gif.......


Clinton Backs The Argentinians



seen this on the news before she want us to sit down and talk about it but doesnt want the USA involved with election coming up i can a war remember Maggie it saved her

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  On 02/03/2010 at 23:29, steveS.Yorks said:

Bit obviouse lads but its because the USA will get a contract to extract the oil for the argies if they gain control over it,if we end up extracting it the Yanks wont get f**K all out of it.


There are other factors. But in essence TRUE


can see huge investment from American oil companies in british oil companies...............BYE BYE BP!






drilling ning

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It'd be nice to see some moral support from our so called neighbours & partners in the EU on this one. I'm no fans of theirs, but if the roles were reversed I reckon we'd be only to quick to back them up..

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  On 02/03/2010 at 23:05, wetdogsmell said:

i'm no geography expert but how many miles are the falklands form england and how far are they from argentina :whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling:

And your point is........................................................?






I was there ning

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  On 02/03/2010 at 23:05, wetdogsmell said:

i'm no geography expert but how many miles are the falklands form england and how far are they from argentina whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif


Its under Enlish Sovereignty! which means it belongs to us. if the end of your land is closer to to my boundary does this mean I can have it then whistling.gif.......


Can't see the Argies doing much but moan! Another kicking would just about finish them off gunsmilie.gif......


Just found Some History on the Falklands....



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  On 03/03/2010 at 11:09, jasper65 said:
  On 02/03/2010 at 23:05, wetdogsmell said:

i'm no geography expert but how many miles are the falklands form england and how far are they from argentina whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif


Its under Enlish Sovereignty! which means it belongs to us. if the end of your land is closer to to my boundary does this mean I can have it then whistling.gif.......


Ahem, surely you mean British sovereignty Jasps...? :D




  On 03/03/2010 at 11:09, jasper65 said:

Just found Some History on the Falklands....





Yeah, they haven't got much of a claim apart from it's geographical location have they? :thumbs:



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  On 02/03/2010 at 23:05, wetdogsmell said:

i'm no geography expert but how many miles are the falklands form england and how far are they from argentina :whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling:



lol didnt make any difference ,to hms .conquror when it sunk the belgrano , that steadied them ;)

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  On 03/03/2010 at 11:48, riohog said:
  On 02/03/2010 at 23:05, wetdogsmell said:

i'm no geography expert but how many miles are the falklands form england and how far are they from argentina :whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling:



lol didnt make any difference ,to hms .conquror when it sunk the belgrano , that steadied them ;)


clapper.gifYeah, how unlucky was that! The Belgrano (formally the USS Phoenix) was the only ship to emerge untouched from the Jap attack on pearl harbour in WW2, it was known as the luckiest ship in the American fleet..... :D

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