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just wonderd what other people would say was to old for a dog to be ran hard i mean a good nights lamping or coursing pre ban,not just a mooch about just my saluki bitch had bit of funny turn the other day a fit?went stiff started going stiff like its legs wernt working and going over to side she was on the lead after a couple of runs luckily i was just outside the house had to pick her up got her she had drink and was fine monitered over night all ok now back to normal so i think it was her last outing,got a bullx same age still thats 6ish by the way he seems as fit as he was when he was 2,any opinions on what age to retire

Edited by countryman5
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neibour,s got colli x grey,,,,,about 10 yearold,,,,,,,,,for the last 2 years,,,he,s been saying ,,iam going to retire her


but she keeps catching mainly rabbits,,,,she tends to pick a spot,,and let his young whippet flush them to her,,,,,,i think deep down she knows she cant run like she use to,,,so she has to be smarter lol,,,,dont blame her as she,s abit flat footed now,,



i think she,ll hunt till her dying breath,,,and if she keeps catching,,,,my neibour will still take her out,,,,and quite rightly so,,,as thats what his old dog loves to do :thumbs:

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I'm with Cooper on this, it's all down to the indvidual dog. Don't forget, there are many factors go into Lurchers that can affect it's working span.

Though, six does seem a bit premature :hmm: and providing it's not burn-out from overgraft, i'd look to see if a change in health, living, diet, etc could be a contributor to it's condition in the field, from what you say i wouldn't put it down to age.

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You and only you will know when its time mate...some say 6 is a bit early to retire.. but each dog is different... if you feel the dogs health will suffer .. then retire it now.. atb stabba

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  On 02/03/2010 at 23:19, Fat-Ferret said:

A very good dog person told me the dog will let you you know there ready to retire.... :victory:



Ithink thats about the size of it. youve just got to be able to read it thats all.Unless theres an underlying health problem of course :thumbs:

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