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Can Anyone Tell Me ?

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Having spent a few times wondering, what is the main reason for arguments between hunters, can anyone tell me why two or some times more people who love to do the same thing (hunt) argue against one another? Maybe its me being stupid and naive but could anyone give me answer to why so much arguments and debates go on between hunters? :victory:

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i would say difference in opinions, i seen someones wee saying that comes up under yer posts it says "opinions are like assholes everybody`s got them" since i seen it, it stuck in my head thought it was a very trrue wee saying, cant mind who it was tho. Yea but id say thats why people argue and debate because everyone has different views on many different things, id say everyday at least once we all debate on something even at work etc. Even tho Hunters do same things they might do it differently. :thumbs: atvb Nicole.

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I have no worries with debate about any subject. It does bother me whan people start getting personally abusive. We should all respect each other's right to hold different views. Any way, while we fight amongst ourselves the antis are the only ones to benefit.



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i believe a differance of opinion is a good thing it helps you to see other points of veiw its when it gets personal and vindictive it pisses me off because we are all on the same side after all.

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It's human nature I'm afraid. :yes: If we're not fighting or arguing in the name of religion/land/money/oil, there'll always be something else to fight or argue over. Most folk are set in their ways and blinkered, it only takes one idiot to start something that upsets others.

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