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man fined getting lurcher fit

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treadmills are ok for basic stamina but they tend not build up lateral muscles of feet and legs that stabilise on uneven ground. causing quick injurie which can be quite severe(i'm sure someone will be of a different oppinion but thats my view having run on mills myself and felt the pain caused on uneven ground afterwards).


the best training for work(i'm no lurcher expert)is the work itself.starting sensibly and progressing to peak form.just as important imho is the winding down at the end of the season.


i'm sure some do the car running as with care and if it works then fine.not for me (to date anyway).



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the best training for work(i'm no lurcher expert)is the work itself.starting sensibly and progressing to peak form.just as important imho is the winding down at the end of the season.


i'm sure some do the car running as with care and if it works then fine.not for me (to date anyway).



trouble with running them fit is when the dogs had enough you cant just stop, you have to wait till what ever the dogs chasing gets caught or gets away, by that time the damage to mind or body may have been done.

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the point being that if you drive away from your dog you cannot see in front and behind therefore NOT paying attention to the road OR the dog. when getting a dog fit you will surely not want to be doing 20mph on a road would you?i'm presuming you are going for distance work and not maximum speed(which when running behind you on a road would mean on tarmac/hard surface?)

only with the dog in front can drive without the risk of running it over while being able to see the dog at all times.


these cases have been done in germany with the result that ONLY when running in front is the welfare of the dog being taken into consideration( anxiety/panic when driving away making the dog run its heart out.......)

the idea is to get the dog out for longer than you can on foot at a controlled speed and not to tear arse down the road with a trail of dogs to be run over by the next car :wallbash:

This is how i run my dogs, no tearing up the road :wallbash: .

For a start I always have them running behind ( 10-15 MPH and their TRAINED to stay behind) as I've heard of to many getting killed or injured running in front. I run them at night so i can see cars coming In lanes mostly just wide enough for my van, and have the doors open so i can see the dogs running by the light of the hazards with something called mirrors ( so I'm looking ahead all the time),And if they stop I know and can also stop, the doors are also open so if a car comes they can jump in ( so no their not going to get knocked over by the next cars that come along)

the last bit about '' anxiety/panic when driving away making the dog run its heart out.''

made me laugh, As i start to slow down before letting them out for their run they start barking and scratching at the doors, i always thought it was excitement. Now i know its anxiety/panic and their really trying to keep the door shut and barking to warn me off :doh::laugh::laugh:

Edited by mush
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If the dog was properly trained it would'nt need a lead


what if it ran after something and got ran over because not havin it on a lead,[bANNED TEXT] the fuk as it got to with anyone else how he trains hes dog bet its far fitter than one that just walks round a field doin fukall

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