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New Monthly Air Gun Magazine

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I bought Airgun shooter last month. Gave up on the other airgun mags ages ago, even the articles were mostly advertising. In my opinion, it was actually OK. Might buy it this month. I enjoyed the article on springer tuning. But it was a bit like other mags Ive read in that all it reviewed was either cheap guns or top of the range ones, nothing in between, i.e top end springers or entry level PCPS which is what most serious air gunners seem to buy.

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I think the problem in general with airgun & shooting mags is that there is only so much you can say about guns. Unless a new gun comes out which needs a review, they all end up reprinting the same old stuff each time. Which is good if your a newbie, or been away from the scene for a while, but if not then you end up with not much new stuff to read about!

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