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Living up here in Shetland, quarry is rather few and far between for my dogs. Yes, there are rabbits everywhere (not exactly a challenge) and the odd mountain hare (I discourage that tbh). But apart from that, we don't have much else - no foxes, occasional rat and polecat types.


So, I was very pleased to hear that my 3 dogs (1 ancient lurcher and 2 patts) dug up a polecat behind an old door in a shed and between them, killed it. The Patt dragged it out and they passed it round between them and then all finished it off.


It was not easy, it took them a while and it certainly was not giving up. They all had 3 or 4 goes at it, lurcher got bitten 3 times and patt got bitten twice. But they did it, all by themselves.


Well done chaps!


Funny really, when I trap polecats, they are not interested in them at all.

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