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The horse evolved on the American continent around 60 million years ago and died out ,they were re-introduced by the Spaniards when they discovered the Americas


The tallest horse recorded was a horse called Samson it was over 21 hands high



A mule (donkey x horse )is usually naturally sterile


Arabian horses have one less rib than any-other


A Thoroughbred horse can run 4 miles at a average speed of 39 mph

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Your never to old to learn something if you know anything unusual about wild life or hunting add it to the thread Here i go ,Myxomatosis is from a human strain of syphilis .Al capone died of syphi

So what there's a 30 Paki's per house in large areas Birmingham, England.

  On 05/05/2010 at 18:38, watchman said:

107 replies and 44 are your own,just put the book up mate and be done with it :clapper:

A little bit of intresting or not so interesting facts about hunting or something related, a snippet of information can brighten your day ,no book mate just me and 4000 views IF IT MAKES YOU THINK ITS WORTH IT

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  On 05/05/2010 at 18:51, oohmydog said:
  On 05/05/2010 at 18:38, watchman said:

107 replies and 44 are your own,just put the book up mate and be done with it :clapper:

A little bit of intresting or not so interesting facts about hunting or something related, a snippet of information can brighten your day ,no book mate just me and 4000 views IF IT MAKES YOU THINK ITS WORTH IT

fair enough pal

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The stag beetle is one bad arse insect ,i was fishing one day and saw one killing a maggot i had dropped ,i threw 3 or 4 at a time and it killed them all until i got bored ,IF YOU TYPE .GLADIATER BUGS. INTO GOOGLE AND WATCH ,you could bet on the outcome if bored,

ignore the jap,theres a few intresting matches on there


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CLARISA the record carp caught by Richard Walker in redmier pool in the 1950s was 44lb its capture formed the base for modern carp fishing and tackle she died in regents park zoo aged 36 which is young for a carp :notworthy:

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  On 09/05/2010 at 11:27, oohmydog said:

CLARISA the record carp caught by Richard Walker in redmier pool in the 1950s was 44lb its capture formed the base for modern carp fishing and tackle she died in regents park zoo aged 36 which is young for a carp :notworthy:

its a shame it was moved,read a lot about this fish,as most carp anglers have i suppose,was talk that she could have reached the 60ib mark if let be,but never mind to late now :thumbs:

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  On 26/03/2010 at 18:04, oohmydog said:

There are 27 different kinds of fox in the world,because of the chroma zone difference they can not cross breed with dogs or wolves .Dogs and wolves can crossbreed


Dont know what a chroma zone is !! & think you'll find that a wolf would kill a dog before it'd f*ck it !!!

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  On 12/05/2010 at 20:24, spanj said:
  On 26/03/2010 at 18:04, oohmydog said:

There are 27 different kinds of fox in the world,because of the chroma zone difference they can not cross breed with dogs or wolves .Dogs and wolves can crossbreed


Dont know what a chroma zone is !! & think you'll find that a wolf would kill a dog before it'd f*ck it !!!


People do own Wolf dog's but they require a DWA unless its something like a 3rd generation cross.



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A 'party' or 'band' of jays

A smack of jellyfish

A wrack of kittens (rabbit kits)

A bevy of ladies

A fall of lambs

A deceit of lapwings

An ascension of larks

A colony of lepers

A tiding of magpies

A sord of mallards

A richness of martens

A nest of mice

A labour of moles

A tribe of natives

A superfluity of nuns

A parliament of owls

A bed of oysters

A company of parrots

A covey of partridges

A pride or muster or ostentation of peacocks

A covey or Nye or Bouquet pheasants

A farrow of piglets

A sounder of pigs

A congregation of plovers

A chine of polecats

A bevy of quail

A colony or bury of rabbits

A colony or swarm of rats

An unkindness of ravens

A clamour of rooks

A run of salmon

A fling of sandpipers

A cloud of sea fowl

A flock of seagulls

A pod of seals

A rout of snails

A wisp of snipe

A ubiquity or quarrel of sparrows

A cluster of spiders

A dray of squirrels

A murmuration of starlings

A muster of storks

A flight of swallows

A bevy or bank of swans

A wedge of swans (flying)

A spring of teal

A mutation of thrushes

A knot of toads

A flock of tourists

A hover of trout

A rafter or raffle of turkeys

A pitying of turtledoves

A blessing of unicorns

A nest of vipers

An ugly of walruses

A sneak of weasels

A school or pod of whales

A coil of widgeon

A pack of wolves

A descent of woodpeckers

A whollop of badgers

A b*****d of crows

An imbuggerance of children


A collection of nouns :D

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There are only 22 registered packs of harriers in the UK just after the war there were 120 packs,they are mistaken a lot for fox hounds but are more like the beagle standing around 21 inch to the shoulder they used to hunt hare pre ban but still can be joined for a walk with in the law, it can be good fun if there is a pack near you try it :thumbs:

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