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Your never to old to learn something if you know anything unusual about wild life or hunting add it to the thread Here i go ,Myxomatosis is from a human strain of syphilis .Al capone died of syphi

So what there's a 30 Paki's per house in large areas Birmingham, England.

There was an american actor who had to have a Gerbal plucked from the holy of holy's down south (and I dont mean south america) at an emergency hospital - So we have aptly renamed the little critters Geerble's after the actors sir-name.

He should be banned from owning a ferret.:wallbash:

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There are 176 registered fox hunting packs in england and wales and 10 in scotland since the hunting ban the number of people supporting them as risen massively .I was talking to some one who said that the number of people who have follow the hunts since the ban ,out number the entire membership of the league against cruel sports

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  On 02/03/2010 at 15:06, zap said:
  On 02/03/2010 at 14:47, Swampy said:
  On 02/03/2010 at 14:18, oohmydog said:

Your never to old to learn something if you know anything unusual about wild life or hunting add it to the thread

Here i go ,Myxomatosis is from a human strain of syphilis .Al capone died of syphilis ??

I gave a teacher a very myxied rabbit to eat 30yrs ago and he is still a live ???

Camels carry syphylis.

Camels are called "ships of the desert" because they are full of arab seamen!



swampy you must have scottish blood in you as you have a sense of humour lol


PMSL Gordon Brown - say no more !

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  On 02/03/2010 at 16:27, watchman said:

The American Indian was the original ethical hunter in Pennsylvania. Game was a total way of life and he treasured it because his very existence depended on it. His hunting skills brought not only food but skins for clothing, hides for shelter, sinew for sewing, claws for decoration and a use for most of his quarry. The Indian used the total animal but more than that, he took only what he needed, took it only when he needed it, and recognized that his future existence and that of his descendents depended on a continuing supply of game. He had a reverence for animals and was a total ethical hunter, proud of his skill but bound to use it only for a proper objective -- survival.

sums it up nicely i think :thumbs:

Before The Indians had horses ,they used to stampede buffalo over cliffs,I should think this is not only indiscriminate ,and wasteful ,but unreconcilable with your statement. :hmm:

Edited by inan
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the oarfish, regalecus glesne, is the origin of most sea serpent tales?



this must be one of the best treads in ages, should be pinned :thumbs:




Edited by mart
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  On 02/03/2010 at 14:18, oohmydog said:

Your never to old to learn something if you know anything unusual about wild life or hunting add it to the thread

Here i go ,Myxomatosis is from a human strain of syphilis .Al capone died of syphilis ??

I gave a teacher a very myxied rabbit to eat 30yrs ago and he is still a live ???

Ha, very interesting to learn, but did you know that eskimos are actually born with sniffleis ?

Its a condition they have from birth and the syptoms are a life time discharge know as SNOT that dribbles from the naisel passages all year round for a whole f~cking life time!

And thats where the real turm SNOTTY F~CKER comes from! :whistling: So next time you rub noses with an eskimo remember this, naisel sex can have its bad points to so always where a condom on your nose!

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  On 05/03/2010 at 18:06, oohmydog said:

The French poodle is not really french ,it is a German gun dog it was kept for retrieving from water ,they used to shave its coat to help it retain beyonce in the water,the big poms on the head were used to tie different coloured ribbons on so they could be identified at distance

retaining beyonce in water,now there's a worthy topic.any destinys child fans out there?

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  On 10/03/2010 at 20:44, gonetoearth said:

it is illagal to bring the body of a skate ashore

only the wings are allowed to be landed , :whistling:


You can bring the Body of a Skate or Ray ashore but it is illegal to land them with Genitals intact, as in years gone by the Females were used in sexual acts and it was thought unpleasant that these fish were then offered for sale!

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