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since when have mink been protected? They get the same protection as the grey squirrel under the invasive species act don't they?

There protected under the hunting with dogs act

just about everything is protected from hunting with dogs thanks to labour. Mink are still on the "wanted" list due to being an invasive species.

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Your never to old to learn something if you know anything unusual about wild life or hunting add it to the thread Here i go ,Myxomatosis is from a human strain of syphilis .Al capone died of syphi

So what there's a 30 Paki's per house in large areas Birmingham, England.

The waterloo cup held the record for the biggest outside gathering of people at a sporting event in the late 19th century, people flocked to see the dogs ,master magrath and fullerton they are the must famous winners of the blue ribbon of coursing Master magrath won the cup 3 times and fullerton 4 times

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since when have mink been protected? They get the same protection as the grey squirrel under the invasive species act don't they?

There protected under the hunting with dogs act

just about everything is protected from hunting with dogs thanks to labour. Mink are still on the "wanted" list due to being an invasive species.

if you read it it says all mammals with the exception of rats and rabbits, grey squirrel, mink, whatever, all protected, glad we don't have that shit over here

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Stan Laurel was Clint Eastwoods dad


If you put a ram to a ewe on pancake day max Boyce will develop a facial tic


Wood pigeons are the only birds that eat nothing but salt


Coconuts are actualy bears eggs


given enough space goats will always feed in a formation spelling out "star" when viewed from above.

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Stan Laurel was Clint Eastwoods dad


If you put a ram to a ewe on pancake day max Boyce will develop a facial tic


Wood pigeons are the only birds that eat nothing but salt


Coconuts are actualy bears eggs


given enough space goats will always feed in a formation spelling out "star" when viewed from above.


Are you one of tose men who stare at goats?


This will lead back to te subject of 'shrooms.


Mate you really must get out more!






a ning for medicinal purposes only!

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The dachshund, aka Badger hound is thought to belong to the terrier group of dog and not the hound ,they were hunted in a pack and converged down the setts in there dozens until Herman turned up with the spade?in the wild west the Americans bred a very small strain of dachshund and worked them on prairie dogs and rabbit

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The welsh terrier is most probably the oldest breed of terrier in the country ,it is known to have existed since the 14th century a letter wrote by someone tells of a black and tan dog with a ginger belly used to hunt badger and fox

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The American Indian was the original ethical hunter in Pennsylvania. Game was a total way of life and he treasured it because his very existence depended on it. His hunting skills brought not only food but skins for clothing, hides for shelter, sinew for sewing, claws for decoration and a use for most of his quarry. The Indian used the total animal but more than that, he took only what he needed, took it only when he needed it, and recognized that his future existence and that of his descendents depended on a continuing supply of game. He had a reverence for animals and was a total ethical hunter, proud of his skill but bound to use it only for a proper objective -- survival.

sums it up nicely i think :thumbs:

Before The Indians had horses ,they used to stampede buffalo over cliffs,I should think this is not only indiscriminate ,and wasteful ,but unreconcilable with your statement. :hmm:

What do you mean before they had horses? They existed over there long before the white man arrived so I doubt they would have ever been without horses. It wouldn't have been recorded either just word of mouth which wouldn't have lasted long, are you sure? honestly want to know where you got this :thumbs:


Horses were introduced into the Americas by white men from the 15th century onwards AKA "The Spaniards" their horses were the first in South, Central and North America. The wild mustangs of the America's are the decendants of these horses.

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There are 14 contenders for the oldest breed of dog that have the most common genetic fingerprint to wolves they are

Afghan hound ,Alaskan malamute ,Akita ,Basenji ,Chow Chow ,Lhasa Apso ,Pekingese ,Saluki ,Samoyed ,

Shar pei ,Shiba inu ,Shih tzu ,Siberian husky ,Tibetan terrier

with DNA these tests were only carried out 4 years ago

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All i like to now is, which, wich is witch ? :icon_eek::laugh:


why 'fok' is used so. How can 1 word meen so much?


My irish friend alway say ' da fokin foker can get fokd' . 1 sentans , with 1 word !! :icon_eek::laugh:

Edited by clint
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