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would like to know peoples views on how they train there dogs to look down the beam of the lamp.



i own a lurcher and he is running well but just looking for some help


its somthing a dog learns through experiance really!!

when you get a squatter walk the dog up to it with the beam on it all the time dont take the beam off and when your sure the dog has seen it slip it!! eventually the dog should learn to look to the end of the beam!! you may find you have to walk all the way too it if it struggles to see it but be patient dont get the rabbit to kick up and run yourself let the dog find it!! you may have to reapeat this a number of times before you can send it from a distance but it will crack it it the end!!

also with a puppy i start off with a rabbit skin dummy i throw it when the pups not looking at night then lamp it up and send the pup thats how mine start to learn the beam!! patience is the key if its only seeing moving rabbits you'll have to teach it that they arent allways moving and the dog needs to run to the end of the beam wether of not it can see the rabbit and trust your judgment enough that if you say its there its there!!

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i like ur self had this problem with a bull cross i baught a few months back and had only ever seen a fox and had never seen a rabbit before it was 16 months [bANNED TEXT] i baught her and all i done was take it out with my dads friends dog and just let it watch for 1 night and went out one day in the week [bANNED TEXT] the same person and walked up on a squatter and she caught it and retrieved it live back to hand lol then i had a phone call of my mate last night asking if i could take him and his dog out who is only 4 moths old and let it watch and my bitch caught the rabbit and live back to hand so i let it run agen and let his pup catch and retrieve it and it did + now the pup as only been out 3 times on the lamp and once u make a scithing noise looks at lamp u should try the same [bANNED TEXT] but deffanutly need to give her a good chance of catching the rabbit atb [bANNED TEXT] and happy hunting hope ur dog comes along nicely :)

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would like to know peoples views on how they train there dogs to look down the beam of the lamp.



i own a lurcher and he is running well but just looking for some help


its somthing a dog learns through experiance really!!

when you get a squatter walk the dog up to it with the beam on it all the time dont take the beam off and when your sure the dog has seen it slip it!! eventually the dog should learn to look to the end of the beam!! you may find you have to walk all the way too it if it struggles to see it but be patient dont get the rabbit to kick up and run yourself let the dog find it!! you may have to reapeat this a number of times before you can send it from a distance but it will crack it it the end!!

also with a puppy i start off with a rabbit skin dummy i throw it when the pups not looking at night then lamp it up and send the pup thats how mine start to learn the beam!! patience is the key if its only seeing moving rabbits you'll have to teach it that they arent allways moving and the dog needs to run to the end of the beam wether of not it can see the rabbit and trust your judgment enough that if you say its there its there!!

very well put mate :thumbs: would not run it doubled up as others have said :thumbdown:

Edited by watchman
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as said plenty of going out on the beam some dogs pick it up straight away some take a little longer. I go out with a new dog on a poor night so rabbits dont squat and let him see the bunnies running in the beam around the field, then after a few sessions the dog usually follows the beam, then i start then to walk the dog up to squatters and let the rabbit jump out of his seat so the dog sees it. Practice makes perfect, more outings more experience they will gain. Never doulble up on the lamp, recipe for disaster, and if your dog is retrieving it wont do after doulbling up, 2 dogs pullling on game doesnt look to attractive. Then its only fit for ferret food. Good luck in all you do

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Single handed on rabbits the dog can see.

Avoid squatters at first IMO, the dog needs to be able to see something down the beam for things to "click"


good luck....JD :victory:


I assumed because he was allready running his dog and he said it was running well it was struggling too see squatters!!!

Yes I agree to learn the beam from scratch better off on moving targets!!!!

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