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Couldnt believe me eyes

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Out lamping tonight in the Pontypool area Lol and shone into a field where we had seen a fox a few weeks back (there were 3 of us present so no porkies being told here) as we put the lamp on I couldn't believe my eyes I was half expecting to maybe see a rabbit or a Charles but there staring at us about 80 yards away was a flipping Roe Deer Lol, we were all blown away. I've shot in the area for twenty years and done quite a bit of half serious lamping for 10 years and have never saw or even heard of Deer being in the area or anywhere near the area. We came back to mine for a cuppa after and none of us could believe what had taken place, man it would be a real first if Roe have moved into the Town :clapper:

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