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looking for a working dog

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hi, you neednt worry too much about breed of terrier for ratting mate, most will do a grand job as instinct normally serves them well....probably best to chat with a few folk u may know that have had and worked terriers,normally they will know of some pups coming up that will be right for the job, in general most russels,patts,lakies etc will be fine,.i wouldnt buy one just coz its parents are show winners from crufts that that will mean they are just pampered inbred dross......im sure a few guys in your area will post on here and may point you in the right direction.......personally i rate plummer terriers as good ratters as i own one, they are bright, eager and tough little buggers,but then so are most russels and patts....its all down to your personal preference at the end of the day......good luck fella....ratting is a great day out and the dogs love it.,

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