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ferreting today


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went out ferreting today.got to thr farm about 9:30 and set off to the fist bury.the dog run over to a pile of tin sheeting and started digging and barking so we pulled the tin sheeting away and there was hole there.we cleared all the holes off and nettede them up.dropped the ferret in and out come the first rabbit.moved on up throught the forest and dogs markd another 2 burys.so we cleared those off and netted.dropped the ferret in and after a quite a long wait out comes the rabbit.we done the other bury that the dogs marked and had another one.thats 3 in he bag.we carried on walking through the forest and the dogs was going mental so we netted it up.another ones the dust:).we went back to the car and moved on to another litle forestry.got to the first bury and we had 2 out of it.we headed straight through the forest and the dogs marked another bury only 3 holes so we dropped the ferret in and out comes the rabbit :gunsmilie: .anyway as we was heading back to the car the dogs marked another one and we had that one aswell.ended the day with seven in the bag not a bad day at all. :clapper:




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