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need somewhere to shoot.

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hi buddy

dont take this the wrong way mate but you have more chance knocking doors or even sending letters out yourself

permissions are hard to come by so if someone knows about an area or possible permission they will probably go for it for themsleves ...i know that might sound shitty but its the truth mate


atb gary

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as with Festa, without sounding sh1ty, I would start off by joining a club rather than getting permissions at your stage.


www.woodendfarmcomplex.co.uk for example


It will give you chance to really hone your skills and set yourself realistic expectations and boundaries.

Also, it will give you the chance to meet others who may have permissions and after a while, offer you the chance to join them.


It's clear from your posts that you haven't done a lot of Air Gun shooting before and that you have a high expectation of your abilities. There's nothing wrong with that, confidence is all part of it. That said, many of the regulars on here have taken years to get to the level of proficiency you seem to think you have already (shots at 50 + yds? Never tried myself.) and as an avid Airgun Hunter with over 20 years practice, I am still learning off them. We all know the first thing you do is to treat quarry with respect and to ensure the most humane shot at all times. 1 shot - 1 kill. We have the ability to take an animals life and that has great responsibility attached.


If you are not at that level then you need to get yourself there before going out hunting, otherwise you will not only be causing pain and injury to animals but giving the rest of us a bad name and more power to the anti's, who are only to keen to point out that the actions of one reflect on us all.


Welcome to a great sport bud, and a real community of knowledge on this forum, but please tread carefully with how you represent us all. I'm sure the last thing you'd want is for your actions to be used as examples of how the rest of us behave.


Sorry if this sounds like a sh1ty lecture, just wanted you to be aware of the bigger picture attached to finding land and shooting stuff. Good luck with it.

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