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Help again please

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Thanks to all for the help i received choosing and stoping my 19 week russell from crying at nite got that sorted now thanks to the

help of members of the site

can i pick you guys and girls brains again please

The jack pup is coming on great now he sleeps all night without crying and he is all but house trained just the very odd little accident

which is fantastic considering his age and we only picked him up 3 weeks ago

The only thing is when we get visitors he gets very excited rolls around on his back and pees like a little hose pipe he is so excited i dont think he knows he is doing it so we tend not to tell him off is this the right thing to do or should we tell him off ??

will this excitement get less as he gets older would greatly appreatiate any knowledge on this subject thankyou max

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Its just over exitement bud. Farm i work at had a collie bitch that did it up to 6 months of age.


Try and introduce human contact slowly with it, and tell visitors not to make a huge fuss of him (as they will). Probably better if they ignore him untill he is used to people coming in and out of the house.

I am by NO means an expert on this, just saying what i think i would do in your situation.


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thats the way mate,tell them to ingore him for the first few min.

i have found that bitches seem to do this for longer( just my experiance,not a hard and fast rule). i had a russel bitch who would pee alll over a mate of mine every time she saw him,over six months. he would always talk to her in his best girly/squeaky voice an she would dive on him and he would get wet :wallbash::wallbash: his own fault as i often pointed out. she would only go mad on him.

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