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Bad luck

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has anybody caught any black bunnies & had any bad luck ? since i caught a black bunny, my hob came in season early( nov/dec) my jill came in season nov/dec), so i could only work 1 ferret, the lad who comes with me crashed his car twice , 2 different cars & 1 was a replacemnt car from insurance, my son broke his leg playing rugby, we had to cancel the snowboarding holiday because he couldnt fly & lost the money, this was 2 days before we was due to go , im beggining to wonder if it is true, i let the black bunny go the first time only to have to dig to my hob an hour later to find he had it backed up in a stop end, my mate dispatched it, im getting ,i told you so from my mates , i still think its all coincidence , would like to know if anyone else has had bad things happen after a black bunny capture ?

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i killed one 24 years ago and ended up getting married hows that for f*cking bad luck atb tj



i've just had thought if i go and buy a black rabbit and release it i wonder if the wife will f*ck off atb tj :hmm::hmm::hmm:




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