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I go salmon fishing at least once a year but have never managed to catch one, I guess you get out what you put in tho! Its hard to time it right when we always book our trip well in advance, its always 'you should of been here last week'!


It a well coloured fish in your pic mate, is that a kelt then?

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I go salmon fishing at least once a year but have never managed to catch one, I guess you get out what you put in tho! Its hard to time it right when we always book our trip well in advance, its always 'you should of been here last week'!


It a well coloured fish in your pic mate, is that a kelt then?

no its no a kelt :whistling: just a fish getting into his best colours for the ladies you wont get kelts till roughly jan after they have spawned round about december :clapper:

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I go salmon fishing at least once a year but have never managed to catch one, I guess you get out what you put in tho! Its hard to time it right when we always book our trip well in advance, its always 'you should of been here last week'!


It a well coloured fish in your pic mate, is that a kelt then?

no its no a kelt :whistling: just a fish getting into his best colours for the ladies you wont get kelts till roughly jan after they have spawned round about december :clapper:


Sorry for not being an expert pal, like i said iv never been lucky enough to catch one yet hence the question.

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I go salmon fishing at least once a year but have never managed to catch one, I guess you get out what you put in tho! Its hard to time it right when we always book our trip well in advance, its always 'you should of been here last week'!


It a well coloured fish in your pic mate, is that a kelt then?

no its no a kelt :whistling: just a fish getting into his best colours for the ladies you wont get kelts till roughly jan after they have spawned round about december :clapper:


Sorry for not being an expert pal, like i said iv never been lucky enough to catch one yet hence the question.

wasnt being cheeky :icon_redface: you just prezume everyone knows these things but as you say you were only asking :icon_eek: good on you for doing that as a lot of people would of chapped it on the heed :wallbash: distingushing between a good fish and a bad one takes time :clapper: although depends on the individual :wallbash: and takes a while to learn what the difference is between a kelt and a springer as kelts can be bars of silver too well ment if you get a kelt it may have ragged fins from spawning and gill maggots inside its gill covers and its body will not look in proportion to its head and tail :thumbs: will look thin but well done :clapper: you never lose the thrill of the take :victory:buy the way its a cock fish as it has a big kype :bye:

Edited by auld salmon
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NIce fish - best to put it back even if you do eat em. That one would have been all spawny and horrible anyway.


Has its tartans on, doesn't look spent enough to be a kelt, kelts often have scars around the head/jaws and look more 'pinched' than that.


It could, however have spawned, salmonids don't all spawn at the same time in any given water. You will get early and late spawning fish in any given run. If you thought you could get away with it without killing the fish, light pressure just in front of the vent will produce milt in an unspawned male fish.

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