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Nothing wrong with wearing a skirt :icon_redface:


But a kilt isn't a skirt, it's a kilt, a proud symbol for the Scots, of idendity and heritage, and long may that continue.


Did you know that theres a welsh Kilt ??, strange but very true. :victory:

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Cad é? Níl Bearla agam.

OK OK OK!   FFS HAVE YOUR BLOODY INDEPENDENCE!   rgds   Swampy     devolved ning

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But a kilt isn't a skirt, it's a kilt, a proud symbol for the Scots, of idendity and heritage, and long may that continue.


Did you know that theres a welsh Kilt ??, strange but very true. :victory:


Yes, but a Welsh kilt is spelt 'cilt,' (there's no 'K' in the welsh alphabet) I wore one at my wedding. ;)


There are also Irish & Cornish kilts. :D:thumbs:

Edited by maltenby
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Your quite right Malty, I should have known better as I'm welsh speaking myself, :icon_redface:

and as you rightly say, "K" isn't in the welsh alphabet, along with a few others. I stand corrected.



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I was one of the English prats who paid £170 for a ticket, it was a good idea when I was pissed. One thing not been mention here was the great atmospher ( can't spell sorry !!) before, during and after the game. I have been to a number of England games and to be honest the knees-up with the men in green is ALWAYS bang-on. Friendly banter, a few piss takes but a lot of jokes and laughts, tis a pity this is not the norm with the skirt wearers. :whistling:


We will be lucky to take the surrender monkeys, but by feck we BETTER beat the skirt wearing cave men over the Border. :victory:

Not bad coming from a "MORRIS CHANCER"

"Duine ar bith ach Sasana"

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Your quite right Malty, I should have known better as I'm welsh speaking myself, :icon_redface:

and as you rightly say, "K" isn't in the welsh alphabet, along with a few others. I stand corrected.




Dw i'n dysgu Cymrag ar hyn o bryd matey, it's all still fresh in the mind! :laugh::thumbs:

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Da iawn ti, cadwch ati. Dylse' ni wedi gwybod amdano'r llythyren yna, ond dwyn dimm yn cael llawer o cyfle isiarad ac i ymarfer y iaeth yn yr ardal lee dwyn byw nawr. Maen bwysig ofnadwy bod pawb yn gwneud ymdrech i cadw yr hen iaeth an iachus.





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Da iawn ti, cadwch ati. Dylse' ni wedi gwybod amdano'r llythyren yna, ond dwyn dimm yn cael llawer o cyfle isiarad ac i ymarfer y iaeth yn yr ardal lee dwyn byw nawr. Maen bwysig ofnadwy bod pawb yn gwneud ymdrech i cadw yr hen iaeth an iachus.






Ydw, fy ffrind. ;)

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