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Any Deer syndicate vacancies or mentoring stalkers in Dorset

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Are there any Deer management syndicates with vacancies in the Dorset area that are willing to take on a novice. ;)

Or a deer stalker looking to mentor someone for cash reward! :thumbs:


When I say novice I have many years experience in rough shooting vermin etc & have a SGC & FAC, but no previous experience in Deer. I realise it's a different ball game, but at least I have a good safety understanding & awareness.


I am honest, reliable, 40+ & have a responsible job in large company where I have worked for over 20 years. :clapper:


You have to start somewhere.

I realise this is a big ask!...but if you don't ask you don't get! :gunsmilie:

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Try and join the "Blackmore Vale Shooting and Conservation Society". They have meetings once a month near Wimborne and I think ( I'm not a member so can't be sure) will take on novice stalkers and teach them the ropes.

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newbarn.. i can take you out on my ground, but its in scotland.. up to you if you fancy going out for a stalk i can take you out. no charge. :victory:



Hi Mubz2cool,

Couldn't send PM as system stated that you couldn't accept new messages?!


Best offer I've had in years!

I could fly up to Scotland, as my local airport has daily flights.

Have you any dates in mind?

Where abouts in Scotland is your permission?

Send a reply by PM.

Thanks a bundle.

New Barn

Edited by NewBarnFerrets
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