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Massive ferrets.

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I had an F1 hob who weighed over 6 lbs in winter weight. His F2 and F3 descendents weigh just over 4 lbs to close to 6 lbs, as none were as quite as big as he. They aren't that much bigger than "normal" ferret hobs, but are much better muscled, so the increased weight comes from their well developed muscles.

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The hobs from the litter I bred two years ago turned out to be monsters. :yes: I sent two over to Ireland with a member off here, I believe at least one of them is doing his stuff well. 11 dead rabbits in a row dug out with crushed skulls last weekend I believe! :D


yeah believ it believe it :clapper: ,my mates calling him the terminator,lol.Hes geting his oats this season,I had him for a few weeks and the ba**ard slaughtered all in its way.I was worn out from diging holes.Its enough diging to terriers,I prefer bolters myself,for the life of me I cant remember who I gave the other to,he too was kicking the siht out of the bunnies below ground but was BIGGER than the hob we have here.

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