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How much do you get out with your dog?

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Just wanted to get an idea of how often you lot get out in the field (hunting or training) with your dogs.


I know this will change throughout the year as the weather and hunting seasons change.



I don't have a hunting dog but have a dog I compete with in a protection sport (Schutzhund). We compete in tracking obedience and protection so quite a lot of exercised to teach (and srew up :whistling: ). We train 2 weekday evenings and Sunday mornings during the summer, and Saturday mornings only during the winter. With a pup some sort of work would be required at least once a day for shorter periods.



What about your schedule??


Mods: This is posted on the Lurcher, Terrier and Gundog forums as they are different types of dogs requiring different schedules. Hope this is OK to do.

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I have a 3 year old spaniel and a 10 month old Lurcher, i take both of these dogs out for at least an hour on their own every day and in that hour there are about 15 mins of training, (retrieves, sit, stays and whatever else i fancy) i dont do any more than 15 mins because i dont want to bore the dogs i like to keep every thing as a game and as a result i find the dogs respond very well to whatever i want them to do. I also have a 6 year old jack russel, I only walk this dog, the only training it has ever had is to find hidden rabbit skins as a pup and recalls other than that it does whatever it wants i find this dog very busy, always hunting and looking for something, just the way i like my JRT's.

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i take my dogs out every morning and most nights when im not working them that night. i try to get them out lamping 5 nights a week and sometimes 6 nights a week.some times just for a few hours and sometimes for most the night just depends how i feel or what the weather is like.

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i drive to a local loch with a 200yrd long grass strip with a very extreme grass slope down it about 80rd down i get the dogs out throw a ball and one of my bitch's thinks its great to lift it and run like faf the rest chase her up down along and so on for a good 10-15mins non stop i then take the ball and walk them about half a mile to another loch and back in bad weather in decent weather i carry on up a large hill about a half mile from the start and back every day work them at least twice a week usualy about 6 hour or more on a sunday ferreting walk about 3 mile to the farm ferret all day then walk back. lamp at least one night plenty runs walk most of the way too . sat morning walk the coast till im board then back usualy with a ferret in me pocket and do sets as i plod along. Sometimes they jogg with me one day cycle the next when im training aswel so get there fair share

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Take the dogs out when time allows.Down to work or weather.Last week 26 hours over six days.Most was just walking due to the hard ground.When training i like to start a pup as young as possible ten mins work then about twenty play and build it up steadily until the penny drops.Then i find with most dogs the training becomes the play.atb. Catcher

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