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any of you into mole trapping

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:hunter::gunsmilie: Not that easy but once you have caught your first one it becomes easier. A big help is the book Molecatcher a guide to traditional molecatching methods by Jeff Nicholls. Gassings is anoption with either phostoxin or talunex but conditons need to be right to get a good kill, training is needed first and a licences needed to purchases the produces. There is a Guild of molecatches which provide training and help but I have forgotten the web address. I hope this will help you.

  On 26/02/2010 at 14:19, beggsybluestaff said:

id like to ask on here first as i use this page more and have had good advice off here


hi guys i just wondered if any of you are into mole trapping i am a member of a golf club in leeds with a serious mole problem in the summer the green keeper was catching up to 8 a day and they are now on about getting a firm in to do it at a cost now this is where i get a deal for myself i dont have the foggiest about mole trapping and would like to know how its done also if you could do it for free would be good need to know asap

cheers beggsy

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They definitely will eat carion, even when not starved. Here's a picture of a vole that has been half consumed by a mole. The voles were caught coming out of their hole, and the mole came by and ate half a vole, then closed off the tunnel system when he was done with his meal.


Edited by Steve Albano
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