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Cats; In Verse and Roadside Art

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter



I was going into town the other day and had to take a small detour which led to me legging it down a longish stretch of what, for Leitrim, passes as a busyish road. Spotting a crushed fox sort of set the scene, though unbenownst to me. Road kill isn't common around here; I guess because people have a mind for others, farm, Dogs and generally tend to drive with a bit of care. But this is, as said, a busyer road. And it gets it's fair share even of huge, articulated lorries.


So, anyway; There I am, trundling down towards town, when I spot yet another piece of road kill up on the opposite verge.


But wait! There's Two! And, unless my old eyes are deceiving me ....? I nipped over for a closer look. Deep joy! And such an artistic impression! I got the camera out and quickly snuck a surrepticious shot. Only one and then I hurried on my way. I didn't want the locals to think me any more odd than they may already do. I so wish I'd got a better shot. But it's all I have and will have to do.


Later, thinking on what ever incident could have layed on such a delightful spectacle for my ~ and now your ~ entertainment, I was moved to embellish and, perhaps, bolster our savouring enjoyment of the scene. Thus I tapped out this to accompany and maybe help explain the photograph.


Enjoy. As I did the scene:









They faced each other in the road

A mutual hatred over load.


Neither willing to back down

They'd face each other, hold their ground.


Dark fur bristled. Green eyes glistened

A sound approached yet niether listened.


Claws extended. Muscles tight.

No heed payed to approaching light.


From each throat rose a mewling grumble.

Approaching fast a heavy rumble.


They'd just started to hiss and spit

As dipped headlights the tableux lit.


Their minds elsewhere and full of hate

They both looked up but just too late.


The artic' sped on with two 'Splat!, 'Splat!' 's

And the world was rid of two more cats!





F*ckin' Sorted!






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Cats always seem to be an emotive subject. I have both cats and dogs, my cats rarely bring in animals yet I have had others that have been avid hunters killing birds, rabbits and rats. After my present two die I doubt I'll keep anymore. We looked/are looking at emmigrating to Oz and wouldn't own a cat there as they have a terrible reputation for killing native wildlife. Saying that I'd be pretty gutted if they were run over. :cry:


P.S. I'd love the cat carrier :D

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Studying your posts over a period of time I have come to the conclusion DS that you are a very well educated and talented man,that poem is superb,have I your permission to print and frame it,if thats what you tap out I'd love to see what you could produce if you really tried,Jigsaw

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Guest alastair

brill ds,what pisses me off with roof rabbits is,they roam free and shit in my garden,then the kids play thier and its not nice.i allways understood you should keep a pet enclosed within your own boundaries,with fences,gates etc,with cats if bollocks.if my lurcher caught a cat and killed it in my own garden would the owner be able to prosecute me? cause if not the wifes in for a new fur coat :D

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I had a Bedlington nearly 20 years ago who killed every cat in the neighborhood - got me in a load of trouble, the police were involved but didnt prosecute me as they all met their maker in my garden. Cat lovers will tell you that their moggy is a match for a dog but once a dog learns the knack of

dispatching one its all over pretty quick. Some of those big feral toms can look after themselves though...........

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ditchy i"m sat here with a slight smerk on my face after reading that mate,hard to explain why..? :clapper::clapper: alistair a incident happened in my allotment a few years back concerning a certain moggy and a terrier who was sunning himself out side his kennel minding his own buisness...police were informed,and as it was in my property,end of story,outside would have been a different outcome,not a nice thing to happen,but cats roam and most dogs dont get on with them

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