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does being spoilt effect the way the dog works

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i have always kept my dogs in the house,in the stables when at work for long days and nights) and it makes no differance to them at all. most dogs get cold if not working but iv'e yet to see a terrier or gundog freeze when working.

i give them something to lie on when in a hide etc(and would do the same if kenneled).


imho the bond is better when in the house,they know you better and you them. mine are spoiled rotten (food wise and as far as attention goes) and work fine(the two i have now are still young 9 and 5 months).

whatever suits you best bud.

i would however get them house trained even if kenneled as it makes life easier when visiting friends/holidays etc


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a working dog out in all weather and coverd in mud should be dried of put in his house end of ,for the love of me i cant think why people want to have a hutch full of dogs in there home farting and if they do work coverd in fox smell mud ,when a good warm bed built properly is the best place for a working dog out side , i dont mind having a young pup in to train him to fetch in dry conditions and socalise him abit ,but all working dogs should be out doors once adults best place ,maybe in aback porch for abiscuit and atreat and when the weathers nice he can come in but wouldnt like to have my house ,mesed up with five hounds after a hard walk in shitty conditions ,just not hygenic

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had working beardie cross greyhounds a wheaton cross greyhound they were never ment to be in a house they were happier out side full stop ,mayd dogs with not as much coat like the warmth of ahouse but a good dry warm kennel with good beding is the best place for a working dog

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dotty i have had working dogs greyhounds collie type, proper working terriers they all preferd to be in there kennel chewing a good bone , they settle in there kennel better ,rather than in and out , had dogs years ago in house but ,not for twenty years , one when you have been digging all day terrier prefers to go to his bed , 2 when you have had ahard nites lamping running in sghitty conditions the best place is in a dry warm kennel, i dont likedogs lying about house i used to when i was akid but prefer them to have their space and i have mines works for me ,and as for socalising them i just take one out kennel train him a bit give him his dinner, working collies are out side working foxhounds racing greyhounds , spaniels labs ,so why not lurchers if you build good kennels lights drains heat lamp good qaulity kennels roofed in, best place for them ,and it makes them hardier i think , correct me if im wrong but dont no many serous dog lads who have them all in house ,nowadays ,maybe if i had one ,i have my home dog has theres best way for me,plus if you have a ones that chews best in kennel if you are out working to many pluses for out side for me

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  On 26/02/2010 at 15:00, FLINT08 said:
  On 26/02/2010 at 11:40, 2GOOD said:
  On 26/02/2010 at 11:33, ebony1 said:

hi there is there a diffirence in the way a dog works wether it lives in the house rather to a kennel cheers


will it effect there working skills

i would say yes after the other night out ,i went to show some one how good my dog was ,because this person was looking for a dog to line his bitch ,my dog looked a twat ,he had a few runs and mised every one ,usualy he would have caught them ,i will add ,the moon was up a bit ,it was also quiet with thick fog ,and there was 3 of us ,plus my dog could not stop craping he had a bad guts ,but i put his one and only terible performanc in 6 years down to living in the house ,i cant seem to find any other reason . :whistling:

i would put it down to the owner( are you welsh)

i must be ,i got good EYESIGHT :tongue2:
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  On 26/02/2010 at 16:21, whin said:

dotty i have had working dogs greyhounds collie type, proper working terriers they all preferd to be in there kennel chewing a good bone , they settle in there kennel better ,rather than in and out , had dogs years ago in house but ,not for twenty years , one when you have been digging all day terrier prefers to go to his bed , 2 when you have had ahard nites lamping running in sghitty conditions the best place is in a dry warm kennel, i dont likedogs lying about house i used to when i was akid but prefer them to have their space and i have mines works for me ,and as for socalising them i just take one out kennel train him a bit give him his dinner, working collies are out side working foxhounds racing greyhounds , spaniels labs ,so why not lurchers if you build good kennels lights drains heat lamp good qaulity kennels roofed in, best place for them ,and it makes them hardier i think , correct me if im wrong but dont no many serous dog lads who have them all in house ,nowadays ,maybe if i had one ,i have my home dog has theres best way for me,plus if you have a ones that chews best in kennel if you are out working to many pluses for out side for me

must admit dogs after a hard nights work do prefere the quiet of the kennel as in some house holds are way to active and the dog can have disturbed sleep hence why the choose kennel over house but apart from that dont think it makes much difference my house is like eygipt me mrs wont ever turn the heating off or even put it low and my dog can still handle the extreme temps that a working dog has to endure. plus ive notice with having him in our bond is better than when he was out and he works better as hes trying to impress me all the time. to earn the right of coming in the house.

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dogs have there home and people have there home so all guys who breed greyhounds keep greyhounds keep working labs spaneils guys like d harcombe terreir man, d slieght old mate , several others talk shite a dogs place is in his home and a human in his , i do lkie playing with pups and trainig them in a house,and shamus i know nothing of dogs and talk shite ,i dont think so, saw enough of working dogs to know the best place for them ask any farmer, hunts man ,greyhound man , lab man ,spaneil man , husky man and i mean guys who work them trail them ,were there dogs do best in a good purpose built kennel outside AND KEPT RIGHT ,

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i must agree with the lads who say the dogs get dirty,foxy,ratty etc but surely a good dog man will wash his dogs after fox and rat contact???????????????????????????????????? :icon_eek:


dirt dries off in the car and in the kitchen,only when fed and dry do the dogs come into the living area.

a dog living in the house will sleep through the normal noise and people movementif his bed is out of the way( mine have a blanket in the kitchen and one in the living room).


if a dog is sick from work then they should not be mauled by kids etc but thats common sense.as is the old proverb "let sleeping dogs lie" i.e. respect his space and sleepand he won't have their hand off :thumbs: (thats what i tell the kids,they gulp and stay well away :feck: )


kids and dogs should not be left alone(neither in nor out).




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  On 26/02/2010 at 15:31, DottyDoo said:
  On 26/02/2010 at 11:46, AL BUNDY said:

if its in the dog it will work whether its kept inside or out.





some shite being spouted on here...


have both, dogs in garden an a dog in house an there aint no difference :thumbs:

:clapper: :clapper: got it [bANNED TEXT] thare mate

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nothing about working full stop its the principal of good stockmaship and dogs in general , in an ideal world i would have bifg fechof kitchen and dinning room with afew long dogs lieing out there days after retirment if they are wopth keeing that long , but well i like my space and the dogs have there it works for me and many others not just about working them it what works for you

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There will be Youngsters or people new to the sport, reading this and thinking I better build a kennel, or move house for a bigger back yard if I want my dog to improve or start catching rabbits or work in cold or wet weather. :censored: :censored:


Another old wives tale I have had the pleasure to own and work with some cracking dogs of all types of crosses Lurchers and terriers who have been kept in doors and outdoors.The finest Lurcher I have ever seen working killing and catching everything pre ban was kept indoors He slept in the house back door was left open when I was in work and he would come and go as he pleased. Work in any weather on any quarry.CCI12022009_00000.bmp


My Uncle had a bitch one hell of a dog slept at the foot of their bed till she died at fourteen


All my dogs are kenneled outside currently because it is easier to manage them except the Gsd for obvious reasons,but it does not make a bit of difference.


It is what You put in to the dog that matters Time Time Time

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The more time your dog spends with you,the better the bond. Unless you are one of the "aint worth keeping" brigade,who does not put the time in then sells the dog as crap.

My lurcher lives in and is a real fool around the house. He also works with me every day (pest control) and is a different animal when in work mode. I know what he is doing and telling me at work because he is with me a lot and i can read him.

Better out than in? in a word-no.

Edited by stormyboy
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Most lurchers are the biggest piss takers going give them a nice comfortable house to live in and they will repay you by taking your bacon from under the grill..... while its on even after they have been fed.


My dog lives in the outhouse at the minute.when ihave finished my kennel she will go in there along with the new dog.I had my old team all kennelled, to me they seemed to be much sharper when living together outside.Seems nearer to a dogs natural enviroment to me. :)

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Seen dogs in and out out all the dogs i go out with all are kept outside barr one my best mates bitch he has 3 out 1 in the one thats in sleeps in his bed and is twice the weight of his and my whippets and none can get near her when she opens up in my opinion you will get a better bond with a indoor dog as its with you more and as for outside used to weather we are out 6am every day wind rain or shine the dogs are used to it where ever they sleep .

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