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big or small???

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Errr..........medium size poley hob...will just work & work......

Last sunday, I am glad I never took my big sandy hob as we were getting a few drummers and this fecker is a savage :yes: ..........would have been digging all day.




surely them ferrets arnt fully grown?? if so there the smallest ive seen. and how do you use them for squirells??

ps. i like the avetor picture

firstly i didnt say no hobs just small hobs, and yes the ferrets are fully grown like i said its taken a long time to get them this size,mostly by another member(wife) and another friend of ours. squirells will use wood pecker holes and other holes and cracks in trees also gaps and holes in dry stone walls,get a terrier that will stone cold mark squirell and away you go,most ferrets will jib after a couple of seasons on the squirells though.

Edited by BITCH
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other blood was used and between myself,bitch&a good freind we have been trying to get them down to a size that i once had 12 years ago,over the years of breeding them we have kept the whole litters back and once fully grown got rid of the larger ones and kept the small ones,the breeding has been son to mother and then the offspring of that litter back to the sisters of the son used to the mother,as far as handling is concerned you can put your hand into the hutch when they are eating a fresh bunny and they will not bother you,all easily handled and although we do not work our ferrets on earths over the 20 hole mark we quite often use them in 3 holers going to 15 holers and they quite happily go on all day but you do not see much movement out of them when they back in the hutch the same day,also we use them to bolt rats and most of the ferrets we have will tackle a rat and the one freind myself and bitch share his ferrets look like some terriers do with old scars,my ferrets and bitches see more squirrel than rats and for those who have done any ferreting to squirrels will know that most ferrets will jib on a stubborn squirrel,we cover a good bit of ground with squirrels and quite often when drey poking we get a few on the run and the dogs chase them to drystone walls or holes in trees or the roots of trees,we them look with a torch and if we can not reach them with gloves on we then watch the ferret go in with a small torch,some squirrels bolt easily but once they have made there mind up not to bolt it they take some moving,one ferret bitch owned bolted 5 out of a single hole one after one,my oldest jill we have watched kill squirrels in small crevices and she has received some good punishment in doing so,for the first time last year she jibbed on a squirrel at the age of 6,,we quite often do 3s,4s and twice we have done 10 in a day with the ferrets bolting them to the dogs,looks like we or should i say bitch has finally got the ideal size with one of his ferrets,a good fraction smaller than its mother who is now 3 or 4 years of age which is the daughter to my old jill,will take some pics of my jill next to the palm of my hand,not the smallest of ferrets but she gets to some holes when out ratting or after squirrels that some bigger ferrets cannot reach ,not saying they better than bigger ferrets but they suit our all round needs,i have sinned this year and put a hob on my old jill,he is not a huge hob but is a good worker on everything and is not afraid to tackle rat or squirrel and is fresh blood,will put a few pics up in the next 2 days

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think back now a few years ago i met a bloke out ferreting who had a tiny jill like the ones in the picture, he said all his mates ferrets were the same, i think he also said they were inbred, maybe thats the way to get these small type, as you have done.

as long as it dosnt affect them mentally and physicall i might try it in the future myself. :hmm:

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sometimes you dont know you,ve gone to far with the inbreding until they are still born or freaks,in the pic i posted earlier you will see the dam, but 1 jill and 1 hob and thats all that survived out of a litter of 9.the rest had no use of there back legs. :(

Edited by BITCH
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thats what im talking about, i dont want any of that, prehaps ill try something like half brother to half sister, ill decide next year, has anyone else done this?

i think if you bread out of the ones in the picture you would need a complete out cross what do you think?

Edited by ferreterno1
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Without doubt I prefer small Hobs and Jills. I'm not saying they're any better, but the type of ferreting I do; they work better for me ;) I've worked all sizes over the years, but certainly seem to get less lay-ups with the smaller strain? For sure there are situations where they'll get a kicking from a "stayer," but they still seem to move them? Are they small enough to get behind them, I don't know? But before any of you state; no I haven't got "ferret cam!" I rarely work warrens of over twenty holes, so they don't tend to run out of steam. Each to their own............ :yes:

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i have tried as well keping back the smallest of the hobs and the smallest of the jills and breeding them,it has worked,but was it luck or was it in there blood that they could only get so big,who knows,i have seen small russels bred onto small russels and the young ones have come bigger than both parents,is it the same with ferrets?for my needs and the amount of ferreting that i do i need small ferrets,if i was going to do as much ferreting as some of you lads do and also work bigger earths i would have a few good hobs in my hutch, i remember back to when i was younger and i used to work hobs on big earths and they done the job great,would our small jills cope with a full days work on big earths, i like to think so but i do suspect they would tire quicker being smaller,again for the type of work myself and bitch do with rats and squirrels and average earths ranging from 3 holers to maybe 15 holes our small ferrets do the job great

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just starting a topic really what do you preffer big ferrets or little ferrets just wondering evry one to there own :11:

:blink: i personnally prefer smaller jills but i find if im ferreting for lads to shoot the rabbits then a handfull of jills seem to do the trick and keep the bunnies bolting .id use averaged sized hobs on th permission where the rabbits have to be seriously controlled that way i know the warrens empty


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