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  On 25/02/2010 at 13:18, sharpshooter09 said:
  On 25/02/2010 at 13:12, Ideation said:

By fighting do you mean he is grabbing her by the neck and pulling her about the cage. . . . because if so they aint fighting :whistling:

she isnt in season yet



that wont bother the hob any, if he has dropped balls, he is in season, meaning he'll hump anything

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thats what my hobs are doin they are in season and jills are just comin in season my ferrets get along fine but sinse the boys cum in 2 season thats it seperated girls are ok they seem 2 have a little scrap but that about it but when hobs are with them they grab straight hold of them

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I've just got two ferrets,both one year old,a hob and a jill, the jill has just had the jill jab,and the hob started to chase her round and grab her,i've seperated them,and the hob is in tomorrow (Tuesday) for castration.My question is, how long before I can put them together again,please.

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  On 01/03/2010 at 20:25, Alan108 said:

I've just got two ferrets,both one year old,a hob and a jill, the jill has just had the jill jab,and the hob started to chase her round and grab her,i've seperated them,and the hob is in tomorrow (Tuesday) for castration.My question is, how long before I can put them together again,please.



  On 01/03/2010 at 21:06, ash_1991 said:

when his balls go down mate or he will just keep tryin 2 have her


castration means he wont have any balls to go down :doh:

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  On 01/03/2010 at 20:25, Alan108 said:

I've just got two ferrets,both one year old,a hob and a jill, the jill has just had the jill jab,and the hob started to chase her round and grab her,i've seperated them,and the hob is in tomorrow (Tuesday) for castration.My question is, how long before I can put them together again,please.



Once He's castrated give it about a week.. He'll forget it ever happened and forget what He was messin with her for lol.. it will also allow time for her to come out of season after her jab.. However be prepared for a possible phantom pregnancy and or hormonal changes that will have her dragging HIM around and putting him to bed like a kit....

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  On 01/03/2010 at 21:19, ash_1991 said:

oooooooooooo i c lol silly me well when season is over then :icon_redface:



you'll feel even sillier now, castration means the hobs (hobletts) can be left with the jills all year round, as they wont get those urges,

vasectamised/snipped, they just fire blanks, are used to get jills out of season, but still need to be seperated

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