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How many of you would.....

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  On 26/02/2010 at 19:53, albert64 said:

the old boy i used to dog with [god rest his sole] used to say shite dogs are never sold, but plenty are bought, work it out for yourselfs

well said rip the old boy, but to many people are doing it i mean horses for courses but ive heard this dog was 500 does this and that TOO MANY TIMES ,when i saw it run it couldnt catch a rabbit in a telephone box some people want a quick buck conning lads who travel to collect i think that the dogs what are shite should be INTRODUCED TO THE 22 CALIBRE OR 12G ,MOST PEOPLE WOULD AGREE

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  On 26/02/2010 at 21:41, stabba said:

Some people have less morals than others... myself personally would never sell an out an out jacker... but theres plenty on here that would... atb stabba



I absolutely agree,some folk just take no pride in their animals they sell a dog thats a wrongun with the same mentaility as they sell a car thats a wrongun.....its the money thats the goal not the dog or the sport.

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  On 25/02/2010 at 12:01, Irish Lurcher said:

I have seen so many dogs been passed from pillar to post, would you pass on a dog that you know is not worth a wank? Is it best to try find them a non working home, or PTTS if all else fails??


The market seems to be full of such dogs.

i bought one of them dogs and the lad who sold it said it was 100%

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Emotive subject here. :yes: A very similar question was asked in the lurcher section a few days back, descended into a slagging match with lads being called all sorts of names for saying they'd end a dogs live for various reasons, and got deleted..

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Depends what you class as a jacker. A lurcher bred for rabbits and retrieving shot hares that jacks on a fox doesnt deserve to be put on the scrap heap.

A lurcher purposely bred (Bull x etc) for retrieving shot foxes that jacks should be pts. There is no other reason to add this blood to a lurcher than for that purpose.


If i bred a rabbiting dog i would not be terribly dissapointed if it didnt do foxes...if it did, it would be a bonus.


And dogs should not be sold on regardless if they are a jacker or not, good dogs are very rarely sold.



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Well said ftb


Selling for profit is what's dragging the dog world down. I've sold my terrier pups before now for £50 each (5 pups) and that was only to recuperate vet's bills (£250 didn't cover it by the way :laugh: ) The same bitch is pregnant now accidental mating and not one penny will be asked for them unless I end up with another huge vet bill :laugh:


As for selling jackers on, only a tw@t would do that without mentioning it was a jacker on whatever it jacks on. But a fox jacker pre 2004 of course might of made a wonder rabbit dog. One man's shiit another man's gold an all that. If the dog is totally useless then you should do the right thing and we all know what that is..... :whistling:

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"Were that ment as a joke"


Hes from the 'travelling' fraternity i'm pretty sure, so chances are it wasnt a joke. :(

The only thing he forgot to add, was that once he has abandoned the jacker he could go and lift someones pride and joy out their kennel.


Edited by FightTheBan
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DIGZY, Not even an animal would abandon their own, to make such a statement speaks volumes regarding your compassion towards our loyal working companions, and I could never ever consider dumping a dog to fend for itself, if I had my way members like you would have no space on this hunting site, for clearly you are not a true hunter.

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  On 28/02/2010 at 17:00, FightTheBan said:

"Were that ment as a joke"


Hes from the 'travelling' fraternity i'm pretty sure, so chances are it wasnt a joke. sad.gif

The only thing he forgot to add, was that once he has abandoned the jacker he could go and lift someones pride and joy out their kennel.


I knew it was not meant as a joke then they bleat on about not tarring them all with the same brush.It does make sense to have dogs microchipped as this wat obviousley happens to stolen dogs that are not up to their standardswallbash.gifcensored.gif

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