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Hi Tony.


Your a star thank you mate :thumbs:


hope your good at the mo buddy.


Had my injections into spine, needed 8 in all pluss epidural.

Made me sweat a bit I can tell you.

Pain is a lot better now, but time will tell, fingers toes and legs crossed mate.


May try and get out tomorrow.....if my darling will allow it :doh::D


Thanks again Tony.




Bill. :)

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Hey Bill,

I just read the rest of your post :icon_redface: Guess I must be still asleep :icon_redface:


Glad to hear your feeling better :clapper: Dont listen to the wife if she says NO :no:

Get out there and bop some bunnies and other stuff on the GL's :boxing:


My fingers are beggining to soften up quite a bit now :boogie: and I reckon in a few days I'll be able to pull the triggers on the S200 and the HW40 :clapper:

The trigger on the beast is out for now though as its quite firm :yes:





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Hey Bill,

I just read the rest of your post :icon_redface: Guess I must be still asleep :icon_redface:


Glad to hear your feeling better :clapper: Dont listen to the wife if she says NO :no:

Get out there and bop some bunnies and other stuff on the GL's :boxing:


My fingers are beggining to soften up quite a bit now :boogie: and I reckon in a few days I'll be able to pull the triggers on the S200 and the HW40 :clapper:

The trigger on the beast is out for now though as its quite firm :yes:






Hi Tony.


Thanks buddy :thumbs:


Im pleased the fingers are healing up for you mate.

What did you use on them in the end?, I think several of the lad's reccomended Sudo cream, was it that you used?


Soon be back out there mate, squeezing the shots off. :thumbs:








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Hi Bill,


I've used various moisturising creams and things like E45 on different fingers AND believe it or not "Blistex" formally known as Blisteeze.

The stuff you use on things like coldsores, dry and chapped lips etc.

The Blistex I've only used on my trigger finger and thumb and its working. I can now type with that finger :D which is great as I hate typing with just two fingers.




How did your day out go (if at all)?

I slept most of today for some reason, got up about 15:45 :thumbdown:

Suppose it was good thing to do really as we've had rain and snow all day long apparently.

I'm hoping tomorrow will be dry so I can go out and shoot :D the S200 even inf only at paper :gunsmilie:


Take care


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Hi Tony Pal.


You type with more than one finger????........you flash bugger you :clapper::D

Im pleased the Blistex is working for you mate :thumbs: ( Maybe the thumb icon was not the best choice here :D;) )


Your right mate, the other thread answers your question.......what a day :doh::D


I wish I had slept all day now :yes: didnt see a thing buddy :no:


Enjoy your shoot tomorrow Pal.....hope you hit more than paper......but paper is good too, I thougherly enjoyed my plinking today :D



Take care Mate.



Bill. :)

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