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entering a young dog

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I have just started lamping with my 10mth old bullx and hes picked everything up looing down the beam running the rabbit and coming back when whistled the only problem is hes not yet caught anything although last night he put in a strike and the rabbit jumped straight up in the air which confused him and tonight he put in another strike and i was sure he had the rabbit but it managed to get free and dissappear into the grass should i continue taking him out each night giving him 3 or 4 runs or give him a break as i dont want him to lose confidence i really feel sorry for him as he really trys hard,just wondering what other people would do atb matt

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let him grow up a bit and take him out once a week i had a 3/4 grey colie that didnt catch for ages on the lamp but they get there in the end. i have a little bitch 8 months at the minute i will wait until she is at least 12 months or even older before i take her out on the lamp. she will be used primarily as a ferretting dog so i need her ferreting skills in place before i start something new with her.


relax and enjoy his puppy days

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I have just started lamping with my 10mth old bullx and hes picked everything up looing down the beam running the rabbit and coming back when whistled the only problem is hes not yet caught anything although last night he put in a strike and the rabbit jumped straight up in the air which confused him and tonight he put in another strike and i was sure he had the rabbit but it managed to get free and dissappear into the grass should i continue taking him out each night giving him 3 or 4 runs or give him a break as i dont want him to lose confidence i really feel sorry for him as he really trys hard,just wondering what other people would do atb matt

alright mate my dog is nearly 10 months and im on the same boat been out couple of times and caught nothing people on here seem to no what they talking about and advised me to give dog a break or just couple of slips or it might start yapping. all the best hunting let me know how your dog gets on as i was worried to.

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he finally caught 1 took him out tonight he had 3 runs the first went on for ages round a bloody tennis court no luck the second was on a wheat field the rabbit dropped into a ditch i lost sight of tyke only for him to reappear in the rough grassy paddock i put the lamp on him and he was running 1 it got a way but as he came back to me another got up it was quite along run and a couple of times i thought he lost it it eventually hit a hedge and tyke wnet in after it and it was game over im buzzing thanks everyone its been brilliant to come on here find out about lurchers get one and train it to lam,p and then for him to finnally catch its something i wont forget,im going to take it easy with him now a few nights off then afew more runs i think the rough grass definitley favours a young dog and im going to stick to it for the time being good hunting matt32

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he finally caught 1 took him out tonight he had 3 runs the first went on for ages round a bloody tennis court no luck the second was on a wheat field the rabbit dropped into a ditch i lost sight of tyke only for him to reappear in the rough grassy paddock i put the lamp on him and he was running 1 it got a way but as he came back to me another got up it was quite along run and a couple of times i thought he lost it it eventually hit a hedge and tyke wnet in after it and it was game over im buzzing thanks everyone its been brilliant to come on here find out about lurchers get one and train it to lam,p and then for him to finnally catch its something i wont forget,im going to take it easy with him now a few nights off then afew more runs i think the rough grass definitley favours a young dog and im going to stick to it for the time being good hunting matt32

You can't beat the feeling. I was lucky my pup caught on his 2nd run and should have had the first (my fault), he's only been out once since then (first week of Jan) and got about 8 runs, only because I knew he was capable and I wanted to finish on a high, (which he did). Take him out now on nights which favour the dog because now he's got his first catch and his confidence you just need to build on it.

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he finally caught 1 took him out tonight he had 3 runs the first went on for ages round a bloody tennis court no luck the second was on a wheat field the rabbit dropped into a ditch i lost sight of tyke only for him to reappear in the rough grassy paddock i put the lamp on him and he was running 1 it got a way but as he came back to me another got up it was quite along run and a couple of times i thought he lost it it eventually hit a hedge and tyke wnet in after it and it was game over im buzzing thanks everyone its been brilliant to come on here find out about lurchers get one and train it to lam,p and then for him to finnally catch its something i wont forget,im going to take it easy with him now a few nights off then afew more runs i think the rough grass definitley favours a young dog and im going to stick to it for the time being good hunting matt32

You can't beat the feeling. I was lucky my pup caught on his 2nd run and should have had the first (my fault), he's only been out once since then (first week of Jan) and got about 8 runs, only because I knew he was capable and I wanted to finish on a high, (which he did). Take him out now on nights which favour the dog because now he's got his first catch and his confidence you just need to build on it.

thanks mate i think he would of probably caught sooner but until i got tyke i had never lamped before and probably wasnt giving him the best of chances atb matt

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he finally caught 1 took him out tonight he had 3 runs the first went on for ages round a bloody tennis court no luck the second was on a wheat field the rabbit dropped into a ditch i lost sight of tyke only for him to reappear in the rough grassy paddock i put the lamp on him and he was running 1 it got a way but as he came back to me another got up it was quite along run and a couple of times i thought he lost it it eventually hit a hedge and tyke wnet in after it and it was game over im buzzing thanks everyone its been brilliant to come on here find out about lurchers get one and train it to lam,p and then for him to finnally catch its something i wont forget,im going to take it easy with him now a few nights off then afew more runs i think the rough grass definitley favours a young dog and im going to stick to it for the time being good hunting matt32

You can't beat the feeling. I was lucky my pup caught on his 2nd run and should have had the first (my fault), he's only been out once since then (first week of Jan) and got about 8 runs, only because I knew he was capable and I wanted to finish on a high, (which he did). Take him out now on nights which favour the dog because now he's got his first catch and his confidence you just need to build on it.

thanks mate i think he would of probably caught sooner but until i got tyke i had never lamped before and probably wasnt giving him the best of chances atb matt

I'd say you're not alone, we all do it sometime.

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i have a youg dog here waiting to be started,i know its the end of the season now and the bunnies are like rockets so to prevent sickening my young dog i will leave him until september time and let him catch the young easy ones 2/3 runs twice a week depending on how he comes on he is 8 month now when i start him he will be 14 month the longer you wait the better dog you will end up with imo, i did rush my other dog and it didnt pay off obedience and retrieve is more important than just rushing out for a catch :whistling:

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