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saw lots of dawgs over there with pit bull in them pionter pit ,hound pit ,staghound pit , all could do a job even the collie pits are good for cattle in the high counrty to get them moving ,if i lived out there a good strong gaurd dog would be handy ,as at nite them bears are big ,so is a lion or a couple of coyotes ,the kill livestock easy so handy to have dog that can look after your property in the more rural areas ,but in this country ,they are limited what jobs they can do nowadays ,wouldnt have one hear not got ajob for them and not into dogs for pet purposes work then pet if good worker or gaurder

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I think the pitbull types could run into your bull lurchers,heres a site that has a lot of members that own bull hound x's and i dont see too many defending the breed that make up their charges,that t

What a beauy wet dog,they just blend in and chill out for sure.ANY MORE PHOTOS?

Oh dear ..............   You just made a tit of yourself.  

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  On 26/02/2010 at 13:13, lab-tastic said:
  On 26/02/2010 at 12:23, skinz said:
  On 26/02/2010 at 09:55, lab-tastic said:

To be honest folks a few of you on here seem to be linking "dog fighting" and "hunting/working dogs" in the same breath, too me that is totally wrong!! Bad enough the media try to link these pricks to the hunting world without doing it on here ourselves :wallbash:


Whats being said is if you dont know f**k all about it then how can you comment? the majority of animal lovers wich are against hunting think its cruel killing a cute fox, they dont have a idea of what its really about, they just jump to conclusions. We all know the amount of shit written in the papers etc about hunting and its all a load of shite, so is what the papers say about pitt bull owners etc true? Try and look at the bigger picture,instead of doing what the antis and general public do and believe all the shit written in the papers! oh, and you wanted a link from bull owners to working dogs - where do you think the truely game bull x's came from???

If your trying to imply that i am an anti then your are very wrong and way off the mark. Whats the bigger picture that i am missing mr know-it f**k in all? Hunting men using hunting dogs.........quality!!!! Little men trying to boost there ego are into dog fighting.



Im not implying your an anti, what im saying is try and look at the bigger picture other than jumping on the band wagon. If there is bad press on hunting plenty of people all go along with it and believe the bullshit, thats what your doing with the bull breed. I dont know anything about dog fighting, so i cant comment on it, at the end of the day were all dogmen/wowmen, be it terriers/lurchers/bull breeds etc etc.

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  On 26/02/2010 at 13:07, Strong Stuff said:
  On 26/02/2010 at 12:51, bradbury2522 said:

i have a young springer spaniel and she is one hell of a dog she will do what eva i say and in my opinion staffys and pitbulls are one hell of a ugly dog who on earth would like to be seen with such an ugly thing. oh i know what it is LOOK LOOK im f***ing bad ive got a dog thats got lockjaw.

my mums mate had a staffy for 9years and that was suposed to be good around children and that till one day it ripped her face off while she was a sleep if that was my mum i would of shoot it right in the f***ing head with a 243.

anyway thats my opinion u guys can say what u like but it wont bother me as i have more things to think about than b**ch each other down




Oh dear .............. :no:


You just made a tit of yourself.




HAHA beat me to it ss :laugh: 'kin lockjaw :doh: I hear this all the time it's not lockjaw it's a fecking strong hold :D

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Nightrunner wrote this when i put my views on dog fighting on the thread:

'One day Foxhounds, Beagles, Lurchers of all cross and any dog associated with hunting might very well share the same ban, Where will you stand then?'


Thats why i took the bait a little!


I have nothing against legal Bull breeds at all, not my cup of tea but each to their own. Just a shame for bull owners that the majority of these dogs that are seen by the public have a tw*t attached to the other end of the lead.


Skinz said 'I dont know anything about dog fighting, so i cant comment on it' well do we all have to have an in depth knowledge of dog fighting to be against it?


Any dog can attack yes, but no dog will pile in like a pit and cause damage in such a short time. Im sure that lad in liverpool said his dog would never attach anyone, they never will till they do.

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Jigsaw, you talk alot of sense to people who are open minded enough to listen. Ive read your piece in darcys NTWICTW2 and what you have written in the past on here and your love and experience of strong dogs and bull types is obvious. Just a shame its not people like you who are portrayed to the public!

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  On 26/02/2010 at 19:15, blan said:

I have nothing against legal Bull breeds at all, not my cup of tea but each to their own.


well a staff is legal...unless its got long legs then its a 'pitbull type'


Er even the long legged staffs are legal the only banned breeds are...


  • Pit Bull Terrier
  • Japanese Tosa
  • Dogo Argentino
  • Fila Braziliero

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I wouldnt say im one to shirk away from controversial debates and id like to think im loyal to my beliefs and so for that reason i,ll nail my colours to the mast and say there is no greater,honest or dedicated sport than dog matching when done correctly....on a worldwide scale i met some of the finest men of honour and decency through the apbt breed who i can still call friends to this day.....personally i dont break laws any longer in any area of life as these days life offers too much to lose making the risks just not worth the rewards,but i have total admiration for those who dedicate themself to the apbt breed in todays times....the asian idiots and wannabe pricks who are in the majority these days i would spit on as quick as look at them as they have no honesty or respect for the dogs......

You idiots talking about dog matching like you know what your talking about because you have read newspaper reports should accept any anti who comes on this site and calls you a monster for hunting down poor defenceless animals ...you just cant have it both ways !

I have recently come back from america sorting some buiseness but spent 2 days on the yard of a dogman with some of the cleanest,healthiest most vigorous and human friendly apbt,s i have ever come across in near 30 years around dogs,these dogs oozed class and breeding and it was a privelege to be amongst such quality and years of history and knowledge.

Reading headlines and topics such as these simply put things in perspective and make me realize the true lovers of the apbt breed can live happily with the memories and be comfortable with the fact the idiots like some of those posting here never did or never will have......and thats the pleasure of those memories and this very special breed of dog.

Sorry for the emotion but its an emotional subject to those who hold it close.

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  On 26/02/2010 at 21:52, gnasher16 said:

I wouldnt say im one to shirk away from controversial debates and id like to think im loyal to my beliefs and so for that reason i,ll nail my colours to the mast and say there is no greater,honest or dedicated sport than dog matching when done correctly....on a worldwide scale i met some of the finest men of honour and decency through the apbt breed who i can still call friends to this day.....personally i dont break laws any longer in any area of life as these days life offers too much to lose making the risks just not worth the rewards,but i have total admiration for those who dedicate themself to the apbt breed in todays times....the asian idiots and wannabe pricks who are in the majority these days i would spit on as quick as look at them as they have no honesty or respect for the dogs......

You idiots talking about dog matching like you know what your talking about because you have read newspaper reports should accept any anti who comes on this site and calls you a monster for hunting down poor defenceless animals ...you just cant have it both ways !

I have recently come back from america sorting some buiseness but spent 2 days on the yard of a dogman with some of the cleanest,healthiest most vigorous and human friendly apbt,s i have ever come across in near 30 years around dogs,these dogs oozed class and breeding and it was a privelege to be amongst such quality and years of history and knowledge.

Reading headlines and topics such as these simply put things in perspective and make me realize the true lovers of the apbt breed can live happily with the memories and be comfortable with the fact the idiots like some of those posting here never did or never will have......and thats the pleasure of those memories and this very special breed of dog.

Sorry for the emotion but its an emotional subject to those who hold it close.


Great post, the closest i came to a dog fight was reading Plummers Nathan (great book)

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  On 26/02/2010 at 21:52, gnasher16 said:

I wouldnt say im one to shirk away from controversial debates and id like to think im loyal to my beliefs and so for that reason i,ll nail my colours to the mast and say there is no greater,honest or dedicated sport than dog matching when done correctly....on a worldwide scale i met some of the finest men of honour and decency through the apbt breed who i can still call friends to this day.....personally i dont break laws any longer in any area of life as these days life offers too much to lose making the risks just not worth the rewards,but i have total admiration for those who dedicate themself to the apbt breed in todays times....the asian idiots and wannabe pricks who are in the majority these days i would spit on as quick as look at them as they have no honesty or respect for the dogs......

You idiots talking about dog matching like you know what your talking about because you have read newspaper reports should accept any anti who comes on this site and calls you a monster for hunting down poor defenceless animals ...you just cant have it both ways !

I have recently come back from america sorting some buiseness but spent 2 days on the yard of a dogman with some of the cleanest,healthiest most vigorous and human friendly apbt,s i have ever come across in near 30 years around dogs,these dogs oozed class and breeding and it was a privelege to be amongst such quality and years of history and knowledge.

Reading headlines and topics such as these simply put things in perspective and make me realize the true lovers of the apbt breed can live happily with the memories and be comfortable with the fact the idiots like some of those posting here never did or never will have......and thats the pleasure of those memories and this very special breed of dog.

Sorry for the emotion but its an emotional subject to those who hold it close.



:clapper: Written with a passion and an authority born of experience..... :clapper:

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  On 26/02/2010 at 15:09, blan said:

the dogs that are illegal are 'pitbull types' so a staff with long legs could potentially qualify as one, its not based even on a real breed just looks, a labxboxer could be viewed by the law as a pitbull type, heritage does not matter just looks,and to all the people who are anti bull breeds, do you think it would be worse or better if all the apbt owners owned another breed?no of course not it would be alot worse bull-terriers have been bred for a very long time NOT to attack people (they will if theyre raised to do so like any other animal) wheras your fufu breeds have not,you give a thousand dickhead wanna be gangsters poodles and it would be worse than them havin apbt's because the apbt has a MUCH higher tolerance toward people because in times of old 'man-biters' were culled,wheras in alot of breeds it was encouraged or they were indifferent,its all just ignorance on the anti bull breeds part. bsl doesnt work or help anyone i hope every person who supports it dies in a very slow and painful way along with their whole families :feck:

i have a leggy staffy and she looks nothing like a pit only people who can tell the differerence between these dogs will no a staff doesnt look like pit :thumbs: :thumbs:
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  On 26/02/2010 at 21:52, gnasher16 said:

I wouldnt say im one to shirk away from controversial debates and id like to think im loyal to my beliefs and so for that reason i,ll nail my colours to the mast and say there is no greater,honest or dedicated sport than dog matching when done correctly....on a worldwide scale i met some of the finest men of honour and decency through the apbt breed who i can still call friends to this day.....personally i dont break laws any longer in any area of life as these days life offers too much to lose making the risks just not worth the rewards,but i have total admiration for those who dedicate themself to the apbt breed in todays times....the asian idiots and wannabe pricks who are in the majority these days i would spit on as quick as look at them as they have no honesty or respect for the dogs......

You idiots talking about dog matching like you know what your talking about because you have read newspaper reports should accept any anti who comes on this site and calls you a monster for hunting down poor defenceless animals ...you just cant have it both ways !

I have recently come back from america sorting some buiseness but spent 2 days on the yard of a dogman with some of the cleanest,healthiest most vigorous and human friendly apbt,s i have ever come across in near 30 years around dogs,these dogs oozed class and breeding and it was a privelege to be amongst such quality and years of history and knowledge.

Reading headlines and topics such as these simply put things in perspective and make me realize the true lovers of the apbt breed can live happily with the memories and be comfortable with the fact the idiots like some of those posting here never did or never will have......and thats the pleasure of those memories and this very special breed of dog.

Sorry for the emotion but its an emotional subject to those who hold it close.



:clapper: brilliant post mate agree 100% , and i agree with Bulldoug brilliant book :thumbs: , its named after me .

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my grandad always said the difference between pits and staffs is , a staff will take your finger off but a pit will take your arm off :gunsmilie: . he owned pits all his life and i can remember when i was about 2 rolling round on the floor with his dog jagger , there very much a love or hate dog and i love them and hope to own one someday . :notworthy:

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Gnasher good man for posting your honest opinions for all to see,I think it will be hard for anyone to pick holes with that post of yours.The pit bull is what it is only because of those past (and some present)owners/breeders that kept the highest standards for their dogs,men of outstand foresight and knowelege that most if not all of us could not comprehend even if it was explained to us SLOWLY.Again in the right hands their the best breed of dog any man could wish for,but a lot of the wannabees that have them at the moment are the worst masters any dog could ever envisage ending up with.You have to have a certain way about you to click with bull terrier dogs ,theyre not for everyone but if they are for you then theres no going back.Great debate and very composed.Great to see true fans of the breed emerging.

Edited by jigsaw
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