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raids in birmingham

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Guest bullterrier

Carry on moaning about the raids. If the dogs are all legal and it has been a miscarriage of justice then the police have screwed up again and the dogs will go back to their owner


If they are involved in dog fighting then they are scum, simple as.


If they are scrotes who are using the dogs as muscle involved in gangs then good, they are also scum.


If you want to start defending dog fighting on this board keep going. Turns my stomach.


If you want to link working dogs with pitbulls they bully for you, but any people who 'work' illegal dogs in this country must be as rare as hens teeth & need their f*cking heads read.



Edd you say these people will get there dogs back have you ever seen the state of some of these dogs when they are returned some have been that badly neglected that they are put to sleep some dont even make it that far....john

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I think the pitbull types could run into your bull lurchers,heres a site that has a lot of members that own bull hound x's and i dont see too many defending the breed that make up their charges,that t

What a beauy wet dog,they just blend in and chill out for sure.ANY MORE PHOTOS?

Oh dear ..............   You just made a tit of yourself.  

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i have a young springer spaniel and she is one hell of a dog she will do what eva i say and in my opinion staffys and pitbulls are one hell of a ugly dog who on earth would like to be seen with such an ugly thing. oh i know what it is LOOK LOOK im f***ing bad ive got a dog thats got lockjaw.

my mums mate had a staffy for 9years and that was suposed to be good around children and that till one day it ripped her face off while she was a sleep if that was my mum i would of shoot it right in the f***ing head with a 243.

anyway thats my opinion u guys can say what u like but it wont bother me as i have more things to think about than b**ch each other down



lock jaw ? :icon_eek:

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as I said why preach to the deaf,Ed I havent read one comment from anyone saying theyre in favour of dog fighting,or even eluding to supporting it but I dont think theres any point in debating with you as your opinion is set in stone and your incapable of viewing it from any other angle.Bradbury do yourself a favour and keep quiet,your really showing how pathetic you are.A 243 isnt necessary for shooting a pit,a 22 rimmy will do the job much better.Its not a rhino your killing its just a dog for jaysus sake.On my last comment on this,under ANY circumstances any dog of any breed should not be left alone with a small child at any time,thats just common sense and if you havent got that you shouldnt own a dog.The point I always throw back when I get the ''you must be fighting dogs to be keeping pits'' then ''you must be herding sheep to be keeping collies'' etc etc.When you hear that you know the person hasnt the intelligence to think outside the box and develope a balanced opinion for themselves.Theres a lot of it going on here too.To all the bull terrier owners GOD BLESS YOU ALL :clapper:

Edited by jigsaw
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i have a young springer spaniel and she is one hell of a dog she will do what eva i say and in my opinion staffys and pitbulls are one hell of a ugly dog who on earth would like to be seen with such an ugly thing. oh i know what it is LOOK LOOK im f***ing bad ive got a dog thats got lockjaw.

my mums mate had a staffy for 9years and that was suposed to be good around children and that till one day it ripped her face off while she was a sleep if that was my mum i would of shoot it right in the f***ing head with a 243.

anyway thats my opinion u guys can say what u like but it wont bother me as i have more things to think about than b**ch each other down

listen any dog could do damage to a kid my mates daughter was attacked by a deerhound x it had her by the head and was shaking the shit out of her ,did you read about that in the papers NO! a life of surgery as she grows

a collie mongrel thing at the bottom of my street has bitten 2 kids on the face first time in its house police said cant do owt about it as in house second time was at a kids park police said its the first time out its house it has done it and they were told to keep it on leash but no they know best and at a local hotspot up the water in the summer were there are loads o kids running riund this f*****g thing was running round free took of after cows and chased them towards where evryone was playing some kids started screaming and the mut bit ones leg what did the owners do sat and f*****g laughed well for a minute anyway just the time it took for the kids father to walk over to them so there you go when a fool has a dog things will happen in any breed any bull bred dogs i know are some of the most humane friendly dogs i know but the owners are some of the most level headed decent people i know

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Oh come on Nightrunner think about this.


If you want to defend dog fighting because in the future our running dogs may be banned you are mental.


Listen to yourself! :icon_eek:


Have a read, really great people they are, just misunderstood.


Everyone who runs dogs on this board should distance themselves from dog fighting men as far as possible not stand shoulder to shoulder with them.


People who hate this shopuld not be tarred with the 'Anti' tag either.


Im not defending 'dog fighting' Im defending decent bull x bred dogs that have most likey been lined of some great working APBT. Not everyone who breeds or works pitbulls uses them for fighting. ;)

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To be honest folks a few of you on here seem to be linking "dog fighting" and "hunting/working dogs" in the same breath, too me that is totally wrong!! Bad enough the media try to link these pricks to the hunting world without doing it on here ourselves :wallbash:


Whats being said is if you dont know f**k all about it then how can you comment? the majority of animal lovers wich are against hunting think its cruel killing a cute fox, they dont have a idea of what its really about, they just jump to conclusions. We all know the amount of shit written in the papers etc about hunting and its all a load of shite, so is what the papers say about pitt bull owners etc true? Try and look at the bigger picture,instead of doing what the antis and general public do and believe all the shit written in the papers! oh, and you wanted a link from bull owners to working dogs - where do you think the truely game bull x's came from???

If your trying to imply that i am an anti then your are very wrong and way off the mark. Whats the bigger picture that i am missing mr know-it f**k in all? Hunting men using hunting dogs.........quality!!!! Little men trying to boost there ego are into dog fighting.

Edited by Aaron
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good read that, and some good veiws from both sides, personally i wouldnt have any bull breed given to me, thats not because of what ive read it's because i have no use for one whatsoever, the lads who are defending them on here are obviously the type of people who should be allowed to keep this breed but like they have said it's the type of dog that attracts the idots who use them as a prick extension's, but you can include alot of breeds into that catagory including lurchers and terriers to a certain extent, everyone has seen lads get into hunting after seeing a dog work and kills its quarry and think this is for me, 6 months later onto the next fad, the problem with bulls is you have these plus the drug dealers and the young gangster wannabee's who prowle the council estates terorising folk, the breed doesnt stand a chance, but dont give up, it's what you believe in and why shouldnt you!!!!!!!

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Sorry i always get a little carried away when this topic comes up.


I cannot imagine anyone defending dog fighting on here.

who the fcuk is defending it ,i havent read a single post where someone is defending it., jigsaw and wetdogsmell there are superb animals a credit to the owners :thumbs: .For jesus sake any dog is capable of killing a child or causing serious harm.Those poor dogs will be pts now

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To be honest folks a few of you on here seem to be linking "dog fighting" and "hunting/working dogs" in the same breath, too me that is totally wrong!! Bad enough the media try to link these pricks to the hunting world without doing it on here ourselves :wallbash:


Whats being said is if you dont know f**k all about it then how can you comment? the majority of animal lovers wich are against hunting think its cruel killing a cute fox, they dont have a idea of what its really about, they just jump to conclusions. We all know the amount of shit written in the papers etc about hunting and its all a load of shite, so is what the papers say about pitt bull owners etc true? Try and look at the bigger picture,instead of doing what the antis and general public do and believe all the shit written in the papers! oh, and you wanted a link from bull owners to working dogs - where do you think the truely game bull x's came from???

If your trying to imply that i am an anti then your are very wrong and way off the mark. Whats the bigger picture that i am missing mr know-it f**k in all? Hunting men using hunting dogs.........quality!!!! Little men trying to boost there ego are into dog fighting.


i'm not a fan of dog fighting but love bullbreeds and respect there gameness, the same way i like a terriers gameness or a lurchers speed and turning skils, as for boosting your ego antis say the exacy same thing about fox hunting

I like bull breeds as well but for hunting purposes not fighting. If you read my first post you will see that i am trying to show the diff' between the two "sports".

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nothing wrong with bull breeds its the owners who cant control them or give them a legitimate job now, i never hear much over by in the southern states of america they use them for raccoons american badgers hawgs gaurd dogs against large predators at times ,and you get the mexicans who have them for whatever they do with them , saw several bull cross dogs for vermin control good animals ,not my type of dog but if i had a ranch or land over there i would have them to keep the big pests out at nite as , afew of my freinds lose there jackrussels to coyotes and other predators at times ,maybe outr country is to politicaly [bANNED TEXT] nowadays and two small for strong type of dawgs

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