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i dont know what force you are with jazz_11 but if it is gwent then they put vermin control not fox as a condition, my fac says something like 22+223 and sound moderators and ammo shall be used for VERMIN CONTROL, my fao tryed to push me away from a 223 and just have a 22 he said that is all you need for foxes but i was having none of it.


I was also 17 when granted my certificate and i am 18 now i am the only person in my family who shoots so i didnt have much going for me but i was a member of a rifle club for a year before that and i had done a lot of shooting in the past but i had the land and need for the two rifles but the only bad thing was that i had to have the dreaded mentor condition.

good luck you shouldnt have any problems.

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If i was a firearms officer and you applied to me for a .17hmr for foxes, it would sound amateur and totaly misguided.

It is not a foxing round, it is a great wee gun and i have one myself, but go for something more substantial. Cost will be virtually the same. Go for a .223 or a .22 250(or one of the other tried and tested fox calibres). Just my opinion, you will regret it later on when you are plinking at foxes and they are running away.

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  On 23/02/2010 at 21:10, jazz_11 said:

what so a 22 rimmy would be capable of taking a fox, i wouldnt be up for that as i wouldnt have confidence in my shooting capability...

if a 22 is ok for fox surely a 17 is and if not would i be able to get a 22centr fire on my first application and are they ok for foxes




Hi mate haven't read the whole pst so i appoligise if someone else has already answered this.


my .22lr has dropped foxes that a re chest shot out to 75 yards. have only done it twice and wouldnt like to make a habit of it...but yes .22lr is MORE than capable of it i dont think that has ever been questioned, the question is are you capable of dropping the bullet where it needs to go as there is little room for error. :thumbs:


the long and the short is if you out with the .22lr and charlie pops his head up then you dont want to be shooting it illegaly so request it on all of your fire arms. my .22lr and my 6.5x55 both have fox. but i would never take the .22lr out deliberately for fox. get me?


i have only have my FAC for 18months and i now have an "open" ticket, but i have done a lot of training with certificates to back it up.



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  On 24/02/2010 at 06:34, FightTheBan said:

If i was a firearms officer and you applied to me for a .17hmr for foxes, it would sound amateur and totaly misguided.

It is not a foxing round, it is a great wee gun and i have one myself, but go for something more substantial. Cost will be virtually the same. Go for a .223 or a .22 250(or one of the other tried and tested fox calibres). Just my opinion, you will regret it later on when you are plinking at foxes and they are running away.



This has been talked about on a recent thread,it is all down to the area you are in,Dyfed Powys grant .17hmr for fox.From the last thread the boys in Leicester do not get it for fox,it is down to each force.

I agree .223 is great for fox,but the .17hmr is very capable of despatching fox.

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  On 26/02/2010 at 19:14, fatboy said:


This has been talked about on a recent thread,it is all down to the area you are in,Dyfed Powys grant .17hmr for fox.From the last thread the boys in Leicester do not get it for fox,it is down to each force.

I agree .223 is great for fox,but the .17hmr is very capable of despatching fox.



Agreed, I'd admit that asking for HMR for fox in an area that doesn't allow it (e.g. Cambridge) will not be a good start but some areas DO allow it. Find out first, so you don't shoot yourself in the foot (figuratively speaking of course)

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This one goes round and round...just what is the best calibre for foxes...it's simple...there isn't one!!


If all your fox work is close, round the barns, stables, farmhouse, gardens then possibly a .22lr or other rimfire is "IDEAL", if they are 200-300yards or further away then you need a sensible centrefire, possibly a .243!!


So look at the choices available between that lot and you scratch your head!!!!


I have a few rifles, they are all conditioned for fox and I do my best to take out what I think is most appropriate for any situation.


Some will say I am fortunate to have the choice...and there lies the answer, you need lots of rifle for fox, if you only have the availability of ONE, then look .22WMR Upwards, and allowing for the fact many regions will simply not entertain rimfire for fox, then look Hornet Upwards!!



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