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steroids in coursing

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Some top match dog's do get jabbed before they run fact anything involving money brings out cheat's.... just look at our athletes they jab themselfs up to get that little extra

BEWARE LADS giving your dogs steroids next thing you know they are walking about like they are ten men, wearing fake tan, hitting the sunbeds, wearing tight t-shirts, working on the doors slapping young kids about,driving scoobys with a pamela anderson look alike on their arm its a slippery slope be careful!!! :D

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Some top match dog's do get jabbed before they run factyes.gif anything involving money brings out cheat's.... just look at our athletes they jab themselfs up to get that little extrayes.gif

totally agree if thay dnt want it doing thay should clamp down on it and be more strict about the testing mr christy got away with it for years and id say that 90 percent of the sprinters are on something its just a small minority that gets caught not saying i agree with it but you could just not compete against someone or a dog that is on gear anyone that says you can and will hasnt got a clue as said there will always be cheats and the way the human race is will always want to be top dog pardon the punn lol :toast:
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when i started coursing in the late eighty's it was a pass time (hobbie) with a group of guys running the fens but now when you speak to young guys they give me the impression its turned into a business. how much such n such is matching for and how much that dogs worth its all money money ,so lots are taking short cuts to gain an edge. lads openly say they jab there bitches monthly with laura bollin to suppress the bitches season

so aint that pushing the moral bounderies ?

when foxy ran cn didnt feel the need to jab her and look how good she was so there isnt any excuse in my eyes but thats my view.

but i see a bleak future if it carrys on for the balance of the breed . because when people want to buy a pup use a stud dog how can you judge something that maybe or has run on steroids and how can you fully trust someone when the majority of the guys are money driven these days

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when i started coursing in the late eighty's it was a pass time (hobbie) with a group of guys running the fens but now when you speak to young guys they give me the impression its turned into a business. how much such n such is matching for and how much that dogs worth its all money money ,so lots are taking short cuts to gain an edge. lads openly say they jab there bitches monthly with laura bollin to suppress the bitches season

so aint that pushing the moral bounderies ?

when foxy ran cn didnt feel the need to jab her and look how good she was so there isnt any excuse in my eyes but thats my view.

but i see a bleak future if it carrys on for the balance of the breed . because when people want to buy a pup use a stud dog how can you judge something that maybe or has run on steroids and how can you fully trust someone when the majority of the guys are money driven these days

I have heard some very interesting and plausible tales over the years some concerning very well known faces,but, bottom line, no proof no argument.

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i havent a clue about steroids in coursing dgs but i have heard of fighting dogs being given them and even kids who use these dogs as status symbols will pump their dogs up with roids. it seems probable that some nutter will be using them to enhance their dogs performance in the coursing world.


i only know about the fighting dog thing through heresay but its from people i have no reason to doubt, and i definately dont agree with dog fighting or have anything to do with dog fighting before i upset anyone,

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do you think that alot of dogs used in coursing are on steroids esp with the prices some people are paying for average dogs.

if i was ever intending to pay grands for something i would be getting a blood test done, i find alot of people want everthing in quick time these days and they would rather pay over the top than put work into something,and that goes along the route of giving dogs anything even if its unethical.

i also dont believe in injecting bitches every month with laura bollin {roids} thats just an excuse in my eyes

quote.. alot ofdogsin coursingare on steroids!! how do you know this ?


please show us all your proof ! :hmm:

The way the governing body on the track greyhounds is set up it can take up to 5yrs to ban a substance,there was one going round that worked very well but the dog or bitch was burnt out at two and half yrs old ,that wont make any difference to some people as long as the brass is in the bank

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Whenever money is involved you will always get folk who cheat for financial gain, regardless of what effect it will have on the dogs by using these substances. I'm a photographer and i've covered a few non ped race meetings, i noticed a few photo's from the first meeting i covered, featured a certain dog in full flight, his eyes were out on stalks and the dogs back legs were unusally high. I asked a friend if folk gave there dogs a little help to make sure they won, he confirmed my suspicians. I was told that all types of things are used, including cocaine,whiz,steriods and even coffee sprinkled on a little food. Now on the non ped racing circuit dogs can be asked to give a blood or urine sample but this rarely happens due to the costs involved. It's common knowledge that doping happens but it's very hard to prove. I find it unbelievable really as there's hardly any money to win in non ped racing. Folk who do dope there dog/s must win at all costs. But all there really doing it cheating themselves in my opinion, if they have to cheat to win whats the point in running the dog??.

The same goes to coursing lads who need to give there dogs substances for them to run well, obviously if they run in matches money is involved. As for dogs not running well after they were sold, as poacher said it could be down to change of owner, i know with saluki x's it can take months for the dogs to take to a new owner. The way the dogs fed could also play a factor in poor performance. I know this with my whippet vixen, she'll only run well when fed flesh, if i fed her just a complete food her performance would suffer.


IMO folk who have to give there dogs a helping hand should give up keeping dogs as all there doing is fooling themselves. Plus what damage are they doing to the dogs??

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a mate used creatine a few years back the dog looked the part full of muscle one night after a hard nights lamping dog didnt wake up :no:

cant see it being down to creatine as one of the top greyhound foods has it in it, even the pigeon racers use it so if it don't kill a bird its not going to kill a dog. Over running the dog will no matter how good it looks.

Some of the lurcher racers use steroids, so if they would for a plastic trophy some one running for money is going to.

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Some top match dog's do get jabbed before they run factyes.gif anything involving money brings out cheat's.... just look at our athletes they jab themselfs up to get that little extrayes.gif


jabbing them just before they run isnt going to do much. steroids work over time, increase the intensity to wich you can train and therefore improve over time.

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